Hi! Here are some of my favorite quotes.

Want not of earthly things, they'll never satisfy. The secret of contentment is to let the Lord supply.

The measure of a man's success lies not in the greatness of his accomplishments, but in the means he used to achieve them.

"There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity."--Nathaniel Branden

Bury all thoughts of defeat and failure, and rekindle those dreams and goals that God has placed deep within your heart. --C. Stanley

Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" --Romans 12.2

I have often wondered how I survived all these years, kept my sanity intact despite the circumstances...then I realized why...I have been much loved.

These minds of ours are like bank vaults awaiting our deposits. If we regularly deposit positive, encouraging and uplifting thoughts, what we withdraw will be the same, and the interest paid will be joy. The secret lies in our mind set, the things we fix our minds on. --- Charles Swindol

If you fall and don't get up, it is a failure. If you carry on, it becomes a lesson.

"Without love, you can never really move forward in life."- Amma

"Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones." - Phillips Brooks

"Live in the here and now, not in the yesterdays and tomorrows. It is only today that you can handle. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may not even happen."

"Instead of being afraid, let us be courageous. Let us face our personal challenges with the thought that God is always with us, whether we encounter success or failure."-RTB

"You do not have to be rich or famous to make a real contribution to the world."- Rev. Richard Woods, Dominican University

"Everything in this world can be seen as you wish to. Good or Bad; Simple or Complicated; Easy or Difficult. It is not how things are; it's about how you look at them... and how you look at them is up to you."

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