First u need to be able to balance on ur head (obviously) but get a helmet or a soft surface for now, ur not gonna spin yet. While learning ur balance do what i said about leaning ur legs forward slightly and lean ur ass back slightly. You lean so that ur not vertical, cause when u learning ur balance being verticle seems almost impossible, it gives u little room for error. Then after ur able to hold that position pretty well start to walk it. Whichever way u go, go one hand at a time. You know, keep ur legs straight, spread, and leaning and move one hand a time. Don't jerk or even attempt to spin yet. Just walk in a circle, one hand at a time.
Now after u can walk for a few circles, try to walk but keeping ur legs in the same spot so they wind up. Get it? No............ok, walk only with ur torso moving only at the hips, if u know what it looks like when a lot of people start off, one leg forward and the other back, and they swing it. *Note* one leg leans forward slightly so u can like see maybe all of ur foot or so, and the other HAS to lean back or else u'll fall forward. Remember headspins is all about having ur center of balance, gravity or whatever it's called, on ur head and in the middle. Now as i was saying. Walk it so ur legs wind up, one forward one back, then keep that position, then unwind them back to legs being in the middle spread. Then walk it again, so their wound again, etc. etc.
After u've mastered being able to walk with ur legs winding then putting them back, then ur pretty much able to do headspins, but u have to practice the tap process. To do this ur gonna do practically the same as walking, winding, and going back into position. Get into the headstand, legs and ass leaning, then do a turn fast, turn like a quarter circle and catch urself, but let ur legs wind/stay in the same spot, then let em unwind, but a little they should like snap, causing u to have a little spin, if not that's ok, cause eventually u'll be able to make urself spin. So from there u just do that quick twist leaving ur legs, hold it, then let them unwind and when they face normal, then quickly twist again. Unwind, twist, etc etc,
((((((**-==Here's a trick==-** well i lied maybe not a trick, but ur hand placement helps, keep ur hands kinda spread and put them kinda far from ur body, if their too close, it'll be hard to hold ur balance. I just figured this out.))))))
If there's anything else i missed i'll modify it. Hey i think i'll add this to my webpage!
Peez Out
-=Tek=- Floor Force Crew If there's anything you think I should add PLEASE tell me cause I want this to be as thorough as possible, If you don't understand something please tell me what you don't understand and i'll add it in a couple days time. Mail it to Bboyseoul@geocities.com