To get good quickly I reccomend you concentrate on advancing 1 type of weapon skill and 1 type of defence skill, only then worry about other skills.


To get around you must understand that a lot of work has been put into the Discworld to make it similar to the real world. It has weather and seasons and night and day. So if you want to travel at night and be able to see where you are going then you will need a light source; a torch is given to you when you arrive in the Discworld. Other personal sources of light include yellow stone rings and lanterns. One of the first things I suggest you save up to buy is a yellow stone ring, they cost about 15 dollars from Fruitcakes on Filigree.

When you enter a new room or area you are given a choice of directions as to where you can move to next. These options are displayed in green. The most common directions being East, West, North and South. You can get away with typing just the first letter of these words to move about.

In addition, when you enter a new area be sure to read the text which describes the room very carefully and act upon anything which draws your attention. It may be a quest or a solution to a puzzle.

The Discworld can be a very hostile place so get yourself some clothes, armour and weapons. (To check your inventory type inventory or just i for short).

Join a guild.

To gain experience kill stuff weaker than yourself and explore. Do not attack anything tougher than yourself or you will most likely die. You have a finite amount of lives: 7. Use the command "consider" before attacking a Non Player Character ("NPC").


To find out more about the commands type 'help commands' and before asking someone 'how do I ....?' remember to try typing 'help ....'.

Every command, including those listed below, has a comprehensive helpfile. Just type "help " to view it.

Getting Help

help concepts = show the help index for important concepts

help command_list = show the help index for commands

help "command" = show the comprehensive helpfile associated with a command in particular

syntax "command" = show the basic usage for a command

godmother help = summon your fairy godmother to transport you back to the drum. She will require you to answer her questions and do as she says.

liaisons = list the liaison creators who are currently logged in

helpers = list the newbie helpers who are currently logged in

newbie "message" = ask a question on the newbie channel


look [object] = look, or look at something

glance [object] = glance, or glance at something (this gives a shorter description than look north,south,etc. Exits are listed in room descriptions just type the name of the exit.

follow [person] = start following someone

unfollow [person]= stop following someone

lose [person] = stop someone following you


who [type of character] = list types of character

say [message] = say something. Some npcs respond to saying things for example: 'say help guide' in the presence of a guide will cause the guide to respond with instructions.

tell [person] [message] = speak directly to another player in the room

smile [person] = You smile at someone. Discworld has an extensive list of 'soul' commands. See 'help soul' for help on using the soul or 'look soul' for a list of the several hundred wonderful soul commands available!

emote is eating salami = will emote the message " is eating salami" to the entire room.

qwho pishe = all the people who can resurrect you, should you die. 'Pishe' is one of the many gods in the Discworld. The 'qwho' command can be used to find out who is online and a member of a particular guild eg: qwho warriors.

position [is floating] = will set your appearance to others as floating until you leave the room, try using other postitions to change your appearance.

Doing things

inventory = list the things you have

hold [object] = hold something

unhold [object] = stop holding something

wear [object] = wear an item of clothing

remove [object] = remove an item of clothing

equip [object] = wear/hold all your stuff

get [object] = gets an object from the ground

get [object] from [object] = gets something from something

put [object] in [object] = put something in something else

drop [object] = drop something

give [object] to [person] = give an item to someone else (a player, NPC, or animal)

locate [objects] = shows you where all the 'objects' are in your inventory and the room you are in (e.g. 'locate swords'), whether you are holding or wearing them, and whether you are keeping them. It also gives each a number, which you can use to refer to them (e.g. 'drop sword 2').

recover all = gets everything BURIED from the ground

condition [object] = ascertain how damaged the object is

show [object] to [person] = you offer to show something of yours to another player

About yourself

score = see your score, alignment and how many lives you have left etc.

commands = show the guild commands that you know

gp = show information about your guild points

brief = put your display in brief mode

verbose = put your display in verbose mode

term [terminal-type] = display or change your terminal type (including turning colour on or off)

options = This command allows you to change everything that can be changed about yourself. It can configure so many things you should use 'help options' to find out more about it.

Reading things

read [object] = Read an object

turn a page of [object] = Turn a page of a book or leaflet

Fighting things

consider [person] = gives you an idea how tough an opponent will be

kill [person] = attack an opponent

tactics = adjust how you fight

wimpy = set yourself to run away if your hitpoints get too low, I have mine set to 50%

monitor on/off = show a regular display of your status

health [person] = show the health of the person.


On Discworld you advance skills by doing them, the system for this is called the taskmaster, you will occasionally get yellow messages on your screen saying things like, "You feel more able to use a short sword"

cost all = Lists what skills you can advance in your guild when you are in a designated advancement area.

advance [skill] = You can advance skills at your guild by spending experience points and money (you can also learn from other players or from yourself with the 'learn' command)

teach me [skill] from me = offer to teach yourself one level of a skill

learn [skill] from me = learn a skill from yourself

NB: Learn skills from yourself as a last resort, it is expensive.


list = list the items available in the shop

browse [item] = look at the details of an item

buy [item] = buy something from the shop

sell [item] = sell something to the shop

value [item] = find out how much the shop will pay you for an item

keep [object] = prevent you from accidentally selling an object you cherish

unkeep [object] = allow an object to be sold after previously being kept fence [object] to [person] = sell a stolen item to a dodgy geezer, you must respond to them when they offer you a price for the stolen item.

offer [object] to [person] for 20 dollars = offer to sell an object to another player for 20 dollars

Note: buy, list and browse are the only commands used in all shops. Sell and value can only be used in specific stores.

See also

concepts, command_list, help