Friday June 23, 2000 @ #TroikaGames on This log was recorded by Calis and formatted by Ainamacar.

Skip to the first question.

<Adam[Sierra]> I'm back - hey Time and Leonard
<Adam[Sierra]> er tim hehe
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<Jonric> hey tim welcome to the fair 8-)
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* stravaig bows in reverence to tim
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<ChrisO[VE]> Wrong button, hehe.
<Jerry[GG8]> hi jackalx
<ChrisO[VE]> !addop JDA[troika]
<TimC[Troika]> Hi Adam
<ChrisO[VE]> !op JDA[Troika]
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<Jonric> hey jd
<ChrisO[VE]> K, we have everone. Let's wait a few...
<JDA[Troika]> hey
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<TimC[Troika]> Hi Jonric!
<ChrisO[VE]> Should I leave the channel unmoderated?
<ChrisO[VE]> So everyone can talk?
<JackalX[GG8]> HEY JERRY :)
<Sergius> hmmmm
<toblix> Nah, I'll just be annoying.
<leon[Troika]> I have returned
<Sergius> *wince*
<Jonric> ask the team
<TimC[Troika]> .3wave Tzeen
<ChrisO[VE]> Troika and Adam, should we leave the channel moderated or unmoderated?
<Furious> <---manages to connect, proving you can teach an old dog new tricks.
* stravaig stares in awe at leon
<Calis> it'll get messy Real Quick...
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<ChrisO[VE]> !addpeon Sermon
<rhayne> yea, but the Icewind Dev Chat last night was the horrible
<ChrisO[VE]> !voice Sermon
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<Sergius> hey, where our heroes, time for cooking
<Adam[Sierra]> let's leave it unmoderated for a bit, see how it goes
<ChrisO[VE]> ok...
<TimC[Troika]> OK by me
<ChrisO[VE]> let's wait a second
<Sermon> heya guys :-)
<ChrisO[VE]> ok, everyone, ask questions in .bold
<Sermon> Hi Calis :-))
<Adam[Sierra]> everyone please just be curteous and don't talk at the same time
* Jonric counts sheep
<Kranrev> As I am speachless, I will not be spamming
<ChrisO[VE]> so that the developers can see them
<Lowendrach> bold is crtl+b
<Adam[Sierra]> and for general discussion, use #arcanum
<DrDesmond> rhayne, I can't wait for Icewind Dale to come out. Basically because the day it comes out, my free review copy will be on the way.
<ChrisO[VE]> and DO NOT spam the channel, take it easy
<ChrisO[VE]> so to ask a question
<ChrisO[VE]> do the following
<ChrisO[VE]> .Ask question here.
<Sermon> how does bold work on irc?
<Sergius> .ok.
<ChrisO[VE]> press ctrl+b
<rhayne> same here desmond
<Sermon> thx :-)
<Dethroned> Chris if they all ask at the same'll be chaotic :)
<ChrisO[VE]> but don't flood the channel with questions
<toblix> .like so!
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<ChrisO[VE]> one at a time
<darkfall> i have visual irc so bold is easy..
<Dethroned> I'd say make them submit them to you
<ChrisO[VE]> Deth, I know. :)
<Dethroned> and you post it one at a time
<Adam[Sierra]> hm, maybe we should go moderated afterall
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<toblix> moderate! moderate!
<TimC[Troika]> .hmm
<ChrisO[VE]> Yeah...let's go moderated
<Adam[Sierra]> for unmoderated chat, use #arcanum
<ChrisO[VE]> We'll wait 3 more minutes
<Sermon> yep, would be better I guess
<DrDesmond> ChrisO[VE], how would we ask questions?
<ChrisO[VE]> just msg them to me
<Sermon> .nobody here from troika yet?
<Ainamacar> they're here
<JDA[Troika]> we're here
<Sergius> .ok, a few time ago, i was niticed what arcanium 3 is a last part of game theme, when and how come idea to create a 4 part?.
<ChrisO[VE]> for example /msg ChrisO[VE] you're question here.
<Kranrev> *ahem*
<geekb0y> msg jonric or chris for questions?
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<Sermon> ouch, sorry
<TimC[Troika]< *checks self* I am here too
<DrDesmond> Okay
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<ChrisO[VE]> Ops and voices, try to keep it orderly. :)
<Jonric> put instructions for asking questions in the Topic
<Ainamacar> good idea
<Kranrev> In the event of moderation, where should questions be directed?
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<toblix< Calis...?
*** ChrisO[VE] changes topic to "To ask questions, type /msg ChrisO[VE] Your message here.."
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Troika Games (Arcanum) chat tonight at 5:30 PM PST in this channel.."
<Ainamacar> what, no star lauging?
<ChrisO[VE]> !topic To ask questions, type /msg ChrisO[VE] Your message here.
*** ChanServ changes topic to "To ask questions, type /msg ChrisO[VE] Your message here.."
<JDA[Troika]> I'm not sure what you mean (Arcanum 3 and 4)
<ChrisO[VE]> Here we go.
<Ainamacar> let peopele know they can go to #arcanum for unmod'd chat
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<ChrisO[VE]> !topic To ask questions, type /msg ChrisO[VE] Your message here. Unmoderated chat in #Arcanum.
*** ChanServ changes topic to "To ask questions, type /msg ChrisO[VE] Your message here. Unmoderated chat in #Arcanum.."
<rhayne> it's not +m
*** ChrisO[VE] sets mode: +m
<ChrisO[VE]> Ok, here we go.
<Calis> <Thenomain> Here's a question: I noticed on the Arcanum site that the top seems to be part of a rather detailed map of the land. Will a poster or large graphic of the land be available to us consumers and writers?
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<leon[Troika]> We're hoping to include a map with the game, but the part of the map you're seeing up top is actually a fragment of a real 17th century map
<ChrisO[VE]> Let us know when to ask the next question.
<leon[Troika]> We're trying to get more detail in ours for the finished version
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<leon[Troika]> done
<Sermon> Question: How will the Main story be told in arcanum? Are you going to use Journal entries or rendered cut-scenes or engine-made cutscenes?
<Calis> or D) all of the above?
<TimC[Troika]> We are using D) all of the above. As you progress, the story advances in dialog, journal entries, and cutscenes both in the game and in movies
<TimC[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <stravaig> is september 1 looking solid?
<JDA[Troika]> Well...
<leon[Troika]> no comment
<JDA[Troika]> We're moving forward as quickly as we can
<TimC[Troika]> Who can predict the bug the programmers have put in. :)
<JDA[Troika]> We don't want it out until it's ready.
<TimC[Troika]> er, bugs
<Jonric> which year?
<ChrisO[VE]> like CliffyB says, there are no bad games, only bad programmers.
<TimC[Troika]> See?
<JDA[Troika]> THIS year
<leon[Troika]> 2002, I believe
<TimC[Troika]> DONE
<ChrisO[VE]> <coderunner> about the worldmap in arcanum, is it similar to fallout or is it a continuous w/ no load time?
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<JDA[Troika]> Continuous
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<leon[Troika]> The world in Arcanum is continuous, but the world map is there for faster travel
<leon[Troika]> done
<Calis> <Thenomain> Will you discourage us fanbabies to make Arcanum into a PnP RPG?
<Sermon> Are you guys sticking to the isometric 2D engine? Because I personally am not very keen on 3D engine-based RPG's, I prefer the 2D engines because the graphical detail is much greater than with a 3D engine, so my question is (at last) are you planning to use this engine for future RPG's?
<Calis> whoops :)
<Sermon> soory calis :)
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<Calis> Do Sermon's Q first :)
<Sermon> thx
<TimC[Troika]> Calis, we would not mind if the fans made a PnP version. We'd play it ourselves.
<TimC[Troika]> Done (Leon is answering Sermon)
<leon[Troika]> It seems we're damned if we do and damned if we don't. If we use a 2d engine, we don't get hype/awareness because we're not flashy enough, and if we use the 3d engine, we'll be slammed for being an Action RPG. sigh
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<JDA[Troika]> He means yes. We're using a 2d Isometric.
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<ChrisO[VE]> <She-Who-Laughs> Question: the offer to fill the books within the game with our writings... how long will that be open? What's the timeline?
<leon[Troika]> done
<Calis> <toblix> Is the only way to get your name in Arcanum to write a story? Is there no other way? There...must be!
<TimC[Troika]> Within the next month. Because we need to translate these things into 4 other languages
<Sermon> thx :)
<TimC[Troika]> And Ratster is being VERY prolific...
<TimC[Troika]> Done
<ChrisO[VE]> <geekb0y> My first question: I read about FATE points on the homepage. These seem really cool, like nothing I've seen in a CRPG stats system before. Can you elaborate on how these points are granted and how they affect char development?
<TimC[Troika]> Ah, Fate Points...
<TimC[Troika]> I really like them too. You get a fate point for doing something Heroic (or Villainous) in the game.
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<ChrisO[VE]> <Thornfox> Q: How fluid will the animation in Arcanum be? I'm tired of stiff characters and effects in RPG's.
<TimC[Troika]> You can use them to alter the game directly, like forcing a critical hit, or making your opponent critically fail, or even by granting you addition character points
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<TimC[Troika]> done
<Calis> .<toblix> Is the only way to get your name in Arcanum to write a story? Is there no other way? There...must be!
<leon[Troika]> We're trying to make the animations as good as possible, obviously. There are limitations to sprite based animations, though.
<TimC[Troika]> Toblix, so far yes. We may think of more things for people to do. Done
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> Are you worried about Diablo II? Do you think the release of Diablo II could possibly take away from Arcanum's release, assuming it makes its way out in Fall 2000?
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<JDA[Troika]> No. We think Diablo is a great game. But it's very different from Arcanum.
<leon[Troika]> what's diablo 2?
<TimC[Troika]> .4:)
<ChrisO[VE]> Not sure, Leon, heard about it yesterday.
<JDA[Troika]> So we think people will enjoy both. But not view them as the same thing
<leon[Troika]> sarcastically done
<Sermon> Arcanum actually has a very unique and unusual setting. Who came up with this setting after all?
<TimC[Troika]> Leonard wanted the Industrial Revolution setting. JDA came up with the way to mix magic and tech. I made bugs.
<TimC[Troika]> Done
<ChrisO[VE]> <bryionak> What are you planning to do after the release? Something completely different or more Arcanum stuff liek a sequel or an expansion?
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<leon[Troika]> We're thinking of making a Barbie game
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<leon[Troika]> I made furious furious
<JDA[Troika]> Why do we let Leon speak to the public Tim?...
<TimC[Troika]> *shrug*
<ChrisO[VE]> JDA, I was just thinking the same thing. :)
<leon[Troika]> We've been advised not to talk about our future plans, but I'm sure it will have something to do with Arcanum
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<leon[Troika]> how's that for vague? done
<Calis> <Ainamacar> How close is the game to feature lock?
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<TimC[Troika]> I'd like to say a few weeks, but people keep having great ideas. We are not exactly experiencing feature creep, but we are changing features to improve the game
<ChrisO[VE]> <geekb0y> Is Arcanum module based? And if so, will there be an SDK or something similar included on release?
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<TimC[Troika]> Yes, you make modules called MODS, which you make using the editors included with the game. I will be writing documentation "soon"
<ChrisO[VE]> <darkfall> Will you reallease the editing tools for the game before the actuall game comes out?
<leon[Troika]> Probably not
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <stravaig> it's been stated that a fate point can be used to change an npc's reaction - will it affect only one npc, or can it be used to remove a bad reputation you've gained, thereby potentially affecting multiple npcs? or both?
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<TimC[Troika]> You can only use it to gain a good reaction from one NPC. Reputations tends to stick in this game, once you acquire them
<ChrisO[VE]> <ratster> ratster Is there a miximum hit chance like Fallouts 95%
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<TimC[Troika]> Yes. But internally the chance can go over that number, so if you encounter a penalty, we use the internal number. But the final percentage can never be higher than 95
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<ChrisO[VE]> <skribe> Is the game designed to be played twice: once as a magic user, once as tech user?
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<leon[Troika]> More times than that, actually. There's the thief route, the warrior route, and the diplomat. Plus, because we're not class based, you can make combinations of these stereotypes
<ChrisO[VE]> <Thornfox> This question may almost be too profound for a chat about a computer game, but I'd like to know - with the settings and themes behind Arcanum, are you consciously trying to make a statement about the relationship between science and religion in the real world?
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<JDA[Troika]> No. We just thought it was a cool idea.
<JDA[Troika]> done
<Sermon> What about the foreign versions? Are the localizations already starting? I am asking because I was also involved in the german versions of Planescape:Torment and Icewind Dale *hint hint* ;-))
<Calis> <Kranrev> How, if at all, will poison be implimented in the game? For alot of CRPGs this seems to be a hit and miss area. (*ahem* BG).
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<leon[Troika]> The localization hasn't started yet, as we're still testing/finalizing our dialogs. We hop;e to have as close to a simultaneous release as possible, however. done
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<TimC[Troika]> Poison: all poison damage increases your poison level. The higher the level, the faster you take poison damage in the game. ou constitution determines how fast you metabolize poison (ie, reduce the poison level).
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<rhayne> Where did the name Troika Games come from? =)
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<JDA[Troika]> uh... Leon's keyboard locked...
<JDA[Troika]> I'll answer
<leon[Troika]> Brain freeze
<ChrisO[VE]> That's a good thing. :)
<JDA[Troika]> Troika stands for the three strengths of game making Code Art and Design
<ChrisO[VE]> Oh damn, he's back!
<JDA[Troika]> oh...done
<Calis> <coderunner> did you use any of the codebase from the fallout series or does the art purposely look similar to the fallout series?
<JDA[Troika]> ouch
<JDA[Troika]> Leon's answering...
<leon[Troika]> We used NO code or art from the Fallout series, all of that material is owned by Interplay. The art doesn't purposely look like fallout, it is just my art style, I guess, as I was also art director on Fallout
<leon[Troika]> done
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<ChrisO[VE]> <bryionak> Will the documentations for the editing tools also be translated into the languages in which the game will be published?
<TimC[Troika]> The code in Fallout is now over 5 years old. That is ancient!
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<TimC[Troika]> I *think* the editing tools docs will be translated. However, the tools themselves may not be. Most of it is iconic anyway
<ChrisO[VE]> <bryionak> Are there any parts of the game that are randomly generated, to improve the replayability, especially in the singleplayer-mode?
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<TimC[Troika]> Random encounters on the world map are generated, as well as some monsters in dungeons and sewers and the like. We made the world so large, however, that you may not see it all in one playthru.
<ChrisO[VE]> <Jerry[GG8]> I noticed that you said Arcanum is in fact different than Diablo & Diablo 2, what difference are there when comparing them directly?
<JDA[Troika]> For one thing, there is a lot more NPC interaction in Arcanum
<JDA[Troika]> NPC's will react differently to you depending upon your race/gender/reputations, etc.
<JDA[Troika]> Also, in Arcanum, there will be a number of quests that you will only be offered if you meet certain criteria.
<JDA[Troika]> done
<Sermon> Sorry that I didn't quite get that but how are you going to adress realtime/turnbased combat in the game (sorry, haven't been to the webpage for quite a while - shame on me)? Like in Baldurs Gate? Are you going to feature turn based features like in Fallout with the specific body parts to hit(my favorite combat system BTW)?
<leon[Troika]> Turnbased is based on the speed of your weapon combined with your speed to determine how many action points you get
<leon[Troika]> you can toggle between the two modes, even during combat
<leon[Troika]> called shots will be handled through hot keys
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <geekb0y> One of my favorite aspects of Fallout was the morale freedom the player was granted, making my descisions seem that much more meaningful. Will arcanum retain that "gray" area between good and evil, or compassion and survival?
<leon[Troika]> yes
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<ChrisO[VE]> <geekb0y> How do you feel about serializing an engine for a rpg liscense? Did you enjoy playing Might and Magic 6-8 despite its lack of grapical improvements? Do you think icewindale, neverwinter nights, bg2, etc will all have something different to offer despite their asthetic resemblances? Phew..
<leon[Troika]> we've gone to great lengths to let you play Arcanum any way you choose
<ChrisO[VE]> Err, sorry.
<leon[Troika]> that's okay. done
<TimC[Troika]> I think we could do one serialization of Arcanum, but new engines let us add more to the game. So we will always make a new one every couple of releases, for technology's sake and because we *think* we get better at this stuff
<TimC[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Zolrath> Question: How much freedom will the planned editor allow?
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<leon[Troika]> We are including everything but the ability to put new art in the game in the editor. We're basically shipping the tools we are using to make the game, so they have the complete functionality you could ever need...
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Woland> I don't know exactly why but I sense a bit of Ayn Rand influence in the game. Am I insane? Was there such influence upon any of you? Who is John Galt? :)
<leon[Troika]> You'd have to ask Chad about that....
<ChrisO[VE]> <Entropy101> who is doing the soundtrack?
<TimC[Troika]> Not from me. *shrugs in an atlas-like fashion*
<leon[Troika]> Chad's a big Ayn Rand fan, as am I, but I don't think there is any direct influences. done
<TimC[Troika]> Our soundtrack is being made by Ben Houg at Sierra
<TimC[Troika]> done
<Calis> Are you going to implement special strategies for sheep?
<Sermon> TimC[Troika] - What do you think about the fact that IPLY is expanding the Fallout universe with a strategy game?
<Tzeen> Personally, I'm excited Interplay is continuing with the Fallout games.
<JDA[Troika]> Sheep....that would be Tim...
* Tzeen chuckles.
<Calis> JDA: exactly :)
<ChrisO[VE]> Tzeen, why would you say that? :)
<Jonric> aren't shhep just in the game to kill shellman?
<TimC[Troika]> Sermon, I like the idea of Fallout Tactics. I plan to play that game, to see where they take the world. And I will not discuss sheep, thank you VERY much Calis
<TimC[Troika]> done
<rhayne> Is there any word on a nasty rabbit that bites peoples head off? If so, will we have access to a holy handgrenade?
<rhayne> =)
<Sermon> thx Tim, I am excited too
<leon[Troika]> its all a nasty rumor...
<leon[Troika]> There might be an important rabbit or two in the game and there are hand grenades...hmmm. done
<leon[Troika]> done
<Sermon> Why have you guys been so quiet about Arcanum for quite a long time? When did the actual game development start?
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<JDA[Troika]> Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
<Sermon> LOL
<leon[Troika]> Arcanum has been in development for two years now. We don't believe in over hyping a game. Our PR machine is starting to crank up now, though
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Entropy101> Will a 3D acceleration engine using current high end cards be implemented into the game?
<ChrisO[VE]> Rephrase that, will Arcanum support any form of 3D acceleration?
<TimC[Troika]> Who says we haven't? But I won't say anymore right now.
<TimC[Troika]> DONE
<ChrisO[VE]> <Entropy101> What are the multiplayer aspects?
<leon[Troika]> could you be more specific?
<ChrisO[VE]> Will Arcanum support any form of multiplayer?
<ChrisO[VE]> And, if so, how?
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<leon[Troika]> We will be shipping a multiplayer module with the game, as well as letting people create their own modules
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<leon[Troika]> we've tried to keep multiplayer as open ended as single player...
<leon[Troika]> you can play cooperatively, competitively, or stabb your friends in the back
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Syzygy> Do you anticipate doing an open beta, and if so, how soon?
<JDA[Troika]> We will not be doing an open beta on Arcanum
<JDA[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Tzeen> How are multiplayer characters balanced against each other? And how to you protect against cheats and hacks?
<Sermon> How do you see development of CRPG's from, say Bard's Tale to Planescape:Torment?
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<JDA[Troika]> Multiplayer is set up ona client/server basis. The person hosting the server will be able to set different options to both balance and diminish cheating in the mods.
<TimC[Troika]> Sermon, we have come a long way since BT. I see that story and interactivity and action-consequences are MUCH more important these days in CRPG's. Hence they have much bigger word counts and seem almost like interactinve fiction. Done.
<Hochtlas> Sorry - was there an answer to the RPG-development question yet - I was disconnected from the chat so I didn't get that
<JDA[Troika]> The server will be able to say what level characters can join. So you could have a mod that would only accept level 5 - 8 characters.
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<JDA[Troika]> And the server will be able to add up a character's points, compare them with the players level and determine if it is a valid character.
<JDA[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <stravaig> when you gain a reputation, how will you know? is it recorded in a particular place on your character 'sheet' such that you can read it, or will npcs just start treating you differently?
<JDA[Troika]> It will be recorded in your log, so you can see it.
<JDA[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <stravaig> how different are the magick colleges from each other? what i'm really getting at is: given that there's 16 colleges will i have to play through as a mage 3 times specializing in different sets of colleges to really experience and appreciate every aspect of the magick system?
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<TimC[Troika]> Each college controls an aspect of the world: fire, water, nature, energy, etc. You will certainly get a different feel from having different colleges. Done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Ainamacar> Question:The party-member AI was a recognized weak area of Fallout. Subjectively, how much has that been improved in Arcanum?
<TimC[Troika]> We allow you more control over your followers in this game. And we also planned for followers from the beginning, so there is MUCH more code support for them in the game. I think people will like it
<TimC[Troika]> done
<Sermon> Sorry, got thrown out of the chat - was there an answer to my RPG-development question because I didn't get that as my Internet connection closed?
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<Calis> sermon: I msg'd it to ya
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<ChrisO[VE]> <ratster> ratster About the request for stories, Is there an "ideal' size that you would like them be?
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<Sermon> thx calis :-)
<leon[Troika]> just the size limits posted by chad, ratster
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Thornfox> Is the game as text-heavy as Planescape: Torment? As much as I enjoyed the story in Torment, please say no...I can only stand reading text off of a monitor for so long!
<JDA[Troika]> No. We need to fill out all types of books, manuscripts, etc.
<leon[Troika]> We will have quite a bit of text, but not near as much as planescape.
<leon[Troika]> ddone
<ChrisO[VE]> <Thornfox> I'm not sure why at the moment, but for some reason I find the art in Arcanum to be very appealing. What influences/goals are responsible for the game's look?
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<leon[Troika]> Thanks for appreciating it :)
<leon[Troika]> That's a tough question to answer, there are so many influences on the art we put into a game, from movies, paintings, to other computer games
<leon[Troika]> We're big fans of Terry Gilliam and the city of lost children
<leon[Troika]> done
<Sermon> Are you going to use voice-overs for the whole text or just for portions of the text?
<leon[Troika]> The plan for voice overs at this point is to have the major characters have voices.
<leon[Troika]> done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Thornfox> To what extent have you gone, visually and aurally, to immerse the player in the game?
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<JDA[Troika]> We've gone to great extent utilizing all of the tools available (story, artwork, dialogue) to immerse the character into Arcanum
<JDA[Troika]> done
<Calis> <coderunner> will there be portraits for the main role characters in the game?
<leon[Troika]> Only PCs and followers will have portraits you can see. done
<ChrisO[VE]> <Thornfox> Looking at what magic users can do in combat and in general, I'm worried that technologists might be on the inferior side of the scale. What high-end tools/weapons will be available to balance things out?
<Calis> Elephant gun!
<Calis> :)
<leon[Troika]> You can buid followers that don't drain your fatigue, for one. When we demo the game, we get asked the opposite question- why will anyone play magic when technology has so many great things you can do with it?
<leon[Troika]> I suppose it's up to each person's personal preferance. done
<ChrisO[VE]> Last question: What about a playable demo? Any word on when it would be released?
<TimC[Troika]> We are not planning on a playable demo. We will send a playable preview to journalists, but we never planned for a demo. It is VERY hard to show off our game in a small demo.
<TimC[Troika]> Done
<ChrisO[VE]> .I'd like to thank everyone for coming, especially the people from Troika and Adam from Sierra. Thanks a ton!
<leon[Troika]> Thanks
<Jonric> Thanks to the team and to VE for hosting.
<Calis> I second that :)
<Adam[Sierra]> Thanks for hosting us!
<leon[Troika]> group hug
* TimC[Troika] waves to Tzeen!
<JDA[Troika]> Thank you.
<ChrisO[VE]> Np!
<TimC[Troika]> Good night everyone!
* Calis cries because it's over :)
<Sermon> Thanks for answering all the qustions, it was VERY informative ...
<ChrisO[VE]> and a bunch of people wanted to express
* Tzeen makes the sign of the fist in honor of Troika!
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* Sermon stands up and applauds wildly
<Calis> (that goes for Tzeen too :-) )
*** ChrisO[VE] sets mode: -m
<toblix> WOHOO!
<leon[Troika]> bye
<Calis> This was an awesome chat.
* toblix applauds!
*** leon[Troika] has quit IRC (Leaving.)
<toblix> ta!

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