Stony's Page!

Welcome to my homepage! No matter how you came across this page,
but you are perfectly right here! My name's Herwig Steininger but my friends call me Stony,
and you're about to surf Stony's Page right now. I tell you, there are a lotta
interesting things to be discovered, so don't waste your time
reading this lines - go on and enjoy my pages!

Note: works best with Netscape Navigator 3.0 and above, resolution at least 800x600 and 24bit color depth

...Yeah I want to know more about:

main menu Some personal information Learn more about HerwigSoft Free software to download Links to interesting sites The ultimate C64 page! Software projects currently running

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PLEEEEEEAAAASE sign my guestbook!!!!!

Last update: Friday, 16th December 2004
NEW EMail: herwig.steininger(-AT-)
You are visitor number since Jun 23, 1997 12 YEARS ONLINE NOW!!!

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