where everything is under control

eZ80 Remote Access

ZiLOG Application Note

How to make eZ80 Webservers configurable online, update its website contents and the firmware

Control Socket Functions

The Control protocol is used to establish an exchange of commands between the Client and the Server. When the user clicks a button in a client application, this causes the client to send a certain commands to the server over a UDP control channel.

To further develop and customise the control protocol one needs the understanding of the command implementation and format. This section explains the meaning of the commands implemented by the control protocol. The commands are listed in the table below with format and comments on their usage. The first column contains the name of the command. The second column shows the name of the server routine which is executed once the server receives the command. The third column contains the detailed description of the command.

CommandServer RoutineCommand Description
heloapp_hellogeneral handshake
the server returns an answer string containing its name as an acknowledge
scanpscan scanner request
the answer has the following format:
100 <name>, <IP address>, <EMAC address>
rsetreset remotely reset the server
flshflash start the netbooter
if the NetBooter application is present in the flash memory of the server it will be given the control thus enabling the update of the firmware
namename ask/set the name of the server
the name command without a parameter returns the name of the server
the name command followed by a string parameter assigns the server a new name:
name <new_name>
gcongetcon get the server configuration
The complete configuration structure is returned following the size information. The size is written into the control socket as Information Code 100. A data socket is immediately created, and the configuration file data is transferred via this socket.
sconsetcon set the new configuration
The configuration structure is populated with data submitted via the data socket. This socket is immediately created and waits for a binary transfer.
gwebgetweb get the linklist
swebsetweb download the linklist
pagepage submit webpages
testtest test function
helphelp help information
A help screen display. Example: help <command_name>, where command_name can be any of the control socket functions (names).

For any binary and large amount transfers the data socket is used. The data socket utilizes the connection oriented TCP protocol which ensures the integrity of data. The governing control socket protocol is supervising the data socket connection. For more information, refer to the description of the control protocol routines.

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