eZ80 Serial Driver

DDK Sample Design
ZiLOG Application Note
How to create and install a XINU driver for eZ80 family of processors
Author: Andrei Kovalev
FAE ZiLOG Germany

Implementation notes

The driver is implemented according to the steps described in the Embedded Webserver Programmers Guide:

" Metro IPWorks&tm; provides user functions to support the development of this software, as described in the following steps:

  1. Add an entry to the device descriptor table for the new device driver (via adddevice( )).
  2. Write an initialization routine for the device.
  3. Write handlers for the appropriate XINU device driver functions (typically includes open, close, read, write and control).
  4. Optionally, add an ISR and update the interrupt vector table (not every device driver requires an ISR). "