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since October 6, 2005

This area is under construction since August 16, 1997. Watch for changes!!

Last update: 10/06/05

Samir S. Soliman

Page Contents

1- Welcome 2- Work Place
3- My immediate family 4- My extended family
5- My Hometown 6- Hobbies
7- Useful Links 8- Search Tools
9- Local Forecast 10- Egypt Forecast
11- Feedback


Welcome to Samir's home page. I was born in Cairo, Egypt and I came to the US in 1978. I attended graduate school at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles where I received both my MS and Ph.D in Electrical Engineering. I joined QUALCOMM Incorporated in 1990 working on developing Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) wireless applications.

Work Place

If you would like to know more about my work place, please visit:

My Immediate Family

Recent Family Christmas picture: My daughter Sally (left), my wife Sonia and my eldest daughter Sylvia .

Sonia's Page

Sylvia's Page

Sally's Page is still under construction

My Extended Family

My family during a visit in 1986.

My brother-in-law Leon and his family.

My brother-in-law Samir Ghattas and his family.

My Hometown

Like to know more about Cairo or Egypt in general, please visit the following sites:

Tour Egypt The Complete Guide to Ancient & Modern EGYPT

Second Hometown

San Diego is America's finest city. It has everything, desert, beaches and mountains. I am sure you will enjoy the following photos if you visit:

San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau


I love to play and to watch soccer. Here is my favorite sports site:

FIFA 2006 World Cup

The FIFA 2006 World Cup is one of the main events of 2006.

Germany 2006 Photo Zone

Internet Soccer Fans Association

Useful Links

Technical Culture Others
CDMA Development Group Egypt Stock Quotes
Wireless Access Technology Egypt's Information Highway San Diego Convention & Vistors Bureau
Spread Spectrum Communication Papers. The Ministry of Tourism, Egypt Internet Soccer Fan Associatio
Overview of Spread Spectrum Communications Ancient Egypt BBC on Line
The ABCs of Spread Spectrum Chronology of Ancient Egypt HTML Reference Manual
CDMA Glossary Egypt's Culture Net Time Service
Abstracts of Publications on CDMA Cook's Tours of Egypt Radio Stations List


Useful Search Tools

San Diego Forecast

Click for San Diego, CA Forecast

Cairo Forecast

Click on the box below for other Egyptian Cities forecast

Click for Egypt Forecast


If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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You are listening to a song by the Egyptian singer
Abdel Halim Hafez entitled 'Ala hesb widad albi'