Karox3/Halosalt's Homepage
Hello, and welcome to my sad little homepage.  Actually, if you know me, I'm not really much of a sad person, so I guess that doesn't work, but yeah, it is forever a work in progress.  Feel Free to check out my poetry, music, artwork, cool links, and other stuff.  Okay, the links aren't necessarily all that cool, cause I'm a nerd, so I think pretty stupid stuff is cool sometimes.  But knowing is half the battle!  And I know I talk too much, so have fun!

Click for bigger version if you want.  Check out my quick blurb to find out what the heck it means...
Site Sections:
A quick blurb about me...
Poetry - rhetoric of the rediculous
Music (under construction, coming eventually)
Artwork - WEIRD, hehe, but it's me
Contact Info:
Contact Points: AIM and Yahoo:  Karox3  ICQ:41354390
Email: karox3@yahoo.com