Lesson 43 - The Shepards of Israel (Use Ezekiel 18; 34; 37)


Ezekiel 34 The Lord reproves those shepards who do not feed the flock. He will seek all the lost sheep and be their Shepard.
Ezekiel 18:21-23 Ezekiel teaches that the wicked who repent will be saved and that the righteous who turn to wickedness will be cast out.
Ezekiel 37:1-14 Ezekiel sees a vision in which many dry bones are givin life.
Ezekiel 37:15-28 Ezekiel prophesies that the stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph will become one in the Lord's hand.
Additional Reading Ezekiel 2

Lesson Development

Attention Activity
How is a sheperd different from a sheepherder? The sheperd walks ahead of the sheep and leads them; the quotation implies that the sheepherder walks behind the sheep and drives them. "The shepard knew each of the sheep and usually had a name fopr each. The sheep knew his voice and trusted him and would not follow a stranger. Thus, when he called, the sheep would come to him." "He would go in amongst the sheep and fight for their welfare. The hirelings, on the other hand, valued his own personal safety above the sheep and would usually flee from the danger."

Scripture Discussion and Application
  1. The shepherds of Israel
    1. President Ezra Taft Benson said: “We call on you to extend yourselves with renewed dedication. … We want you to watch, to feed, to tend, and to care for the flock and, in the event that some are temporarily lost, we challenge you to find them” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1983, 64; or Ensign, May 1983, 45).
  2. Repentance and forgiveness
    1. Ezekiel 18:31 "Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?"
    2. What does it mean to “make … a new heart and a new spirit”? Why is it important to understand that repentance includes both turning away from sin and having a change of heart? How can we experience this change of heart? (See Alma 5:7-14 , Jones )
    3. What does this passage teach about people who turn away from righteousness and do not repent? (See Ezekiel 18:24, Ezekiel 18:26.)
    4. What does this passage teach about the Lord’s feelings when he punishes the wicked? (See Ezekiel 18:23, Ezekiel 18:32.)
    5. What does this passage teach about the Lord’s justice and mercy? (See Ezekiel 18:25, Ezekiel 18:29-32.) Why is it important to know that the Lord is just and merciful?
  3. Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of bones
    1. How is the Resurrection symbolized in Ezekiel’s vision? (The bones came together, were covered with flesh and skin, and were given life; see Ezekiel 37:1-10; see also Alma 11:42-44; Alma 40:23.)
    2. The bones in Ezekiel’s vision began to take life after Ezekiel told them to “hear the word of the Lord” (Ezekiel 37:4). How does the word of the Lord give us life?
  4. The stick of Judah and the stick of Joseph
    1. Teach and discuss Ezekiel 37:15-28. Explain that Ezekiel’s prophecy of the sticks of Judah and Joseph has a dual meaning. It refers to the latter-day combining of the scriptural records of Judah and Joseph (Israel). It also refers to the latter-day reunion of the kingdoms of Judah and Joseph (Israel).
      Elder Boyd K. Packer said: “The stick or record of Judah—the Old Testament and the New Testament—and the stick or record of Ephraim—the Book of Mormon, which is another testament of Jesus Christ—are now woven together in such a way that as you pore over one you are drawn to the other; as you learn from one you are enlightened by the other. They are indeed one in our hands. Ezekiel’s prophecy now stands fulfilled” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1982, 75; or "Scriptures", Ensign, Nov. 1982, 53).
    2. How has the Book of Mormon helped you better understand the Bible? How has it reinforced for you the Bible’s witness of the Lord Jesus Christ? ( Jones)
Ezekiel’s teachings help us understand how much the Savior loves and cares for each of us. He is our Shepherd. He is eager to forgive. He made it possible for us to be resurrected. He is directing the latter-day gathering of Israel. And he brought forth the Book of Mormon as another witness of him. 1