[ABSTRACT]Arree, K., Suchato, W., Chompunich, W. and Chuyot, R. 1995. Sorghum spikelets for ornamental purposes. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 1995 No.36. pp.87-88.
[ABSTRACT]Suchato, W., Prammanee, P., Chomphunich, W. and Srivoranat, T. 1995. Germination of sorghum varieties under saline conditions. International Sorghum and Millets Newslater 1995 No.36. pp.77-78.
[ABSTRACT]Tangpremsri, W., Sakuratani, T., Nawata, E. and Masanaga, Y. 1996. Identification of sorghum genotypes by RAPDS. First European Seminar on Sorghum for Energy and Industry. p.307-312. April 1-3, 1996. Toulouse, France
[ABSTRACT]Iamsupasit, N., Juttupornpong, S., Lertprasertrat, K., Keawcha-um, Y., Sawangsri, P., Arch-kongharn, S., Lairungreung, C., Nakaphan, P., Khumpai, P., Promdeeraj, T., Pethweang, S., Butaku, U. and Duangpudtarn, P. 1995. Progress report 1994 : Sorghum improvement program, Department of Agriculture. Thailand National Corn and Sorghum Program Annual Report. pp. 12-13

Sorghum spikelets for ornamental purposes
In Thailand , sorghum is mostly grown in rainfed areas as a second crop after maize. It is considered a low value crop that gives farmers only marginal profits compared with other field crops. Adding value by alternative crop utilization can help increase farmers income. The optimum time for cutting sorghum spikelets to use them for ornamental purposes was studied in 1994 at Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center, Thailand. The trial consisted of four sorghum varieties (U-Thong 1, Late Hegari, Suphan Buri 1 and Suphan Buri 60) and 10 different head cutting times (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 days after flowering (DAF)). Sorghum heads were cut and sun dried for 2 weeks and then dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O4) 50 % (10 l), sodium silicate (60 g), and water (5 l) for 10 min. The heads were air dried for 3 days before being dyed in various colors. The attractiveness and durability were scored. For all varieties, the most preferred heads were those cut at 25 DAF except Suphan Buri 60 (30 DAF). However, seed [TOP PAGE]
Germination of sorghum varieties under saline conditions.
Soil salinity is a serious agricultural problem in Thailand and salt tolerant crops need to be developed for this area. Sorghum is reported to be a moderatly salt-tolerant crop and can germinate better in saline soil than other field crops commonly grown in Thailand such as mungbean, soybean etc. Generally, crops are most sensitive to salinity at the seedling stage and a number of crops show considerable genetic variability in their response to salt concentration.
The purpose of this study was to compare salt tolerance during germination of four recommended sorghum varieties, U-Thong 1, Early Hegari, Suphan Buri 1 and Suphan Buri 60. The trial was conducted in plastic boxes in a seed laboratory at Suphan Buri Field Crops Research Center, Thailand, in 1994. A 4 x 7 factorial was used in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Sieved, undried soil (1.5 kg) was place in each plastic box (18.5 x 27.5 x 9.5 cm). Salt (NaCl) of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 % w/w was added and the electrical conductivity (Ece) of the soil was analysed. Sorghum seed were sown in each box (100 seeds per box) and the height and fresh weight of seedlings were determined after 2 weeks of germination. Salinity delayed germination and the germination percentage gradually reduced while the salinity increased. The salt tolerance, indicated by the soil salinity at which 50 % germination reduction occured (salt tolerance index, STI) differed significantly among the four sorghum varieties. The STI of U-Thong 1, Early Hegari, Suphan Buri 1 and Suphan Buri 60 were 8.6, 7.4, 7.2 and 6.8 respectively.[TOP PAGE]

Identification of sorghum genotypes by RAPDS
Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were identified in 6 genotypes of sorghum by amplification using 9 single 10-mer primers of arbitrary sequence. The RAPD patterns were reproducible and confirmed by repeated experiment. Five decamer primers amplified 13 usful DNA segments which were polymorphic and shared among the genotypes. By the presence and absence of these RAPDs all of the genotypes were clearly identified.[TOP PAGE]

Progress report 1994 : Sorghum improvement program, Department of Agriculture


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