CAD (abbreviation) - Computer-aided design
The design activities, including draughting and illustrating, in which information processing systems are used to carry out functions such as designing or improving a part or a product.
Note - Usually CAD and CAM are used together adn expressed as CAD/CAM.
[ISO/IEC 2382-24:-, term24.01.04]
CAE (abbreviation) - Computer-aided engineering
Analysis of a design to check for basic errors, and to optimise manufacturability, performance, productivity or economy, by using information processing systems.
Note - Information from the CAD/CAM design database is used to analyse the functional characteristics of a part or a product under design, or to simulate its performance under various conditions.
[ISO/IEC 2382-24:-, term 24.01.03]
CAM (abbreviation) - Computer-aided manufacturing
The production process in which information processing systems are used to direct and control manufacturing.
Note - Usually CAD and CAM are used together and expressed as CAD/CAM.
[ISO/IEC 2382-24:-, term 24.01.07]
CIM (abbreviation) - Computer-integrated manufacturing
The production of which all activities are integrated into a computer-based planning management and control system.
Note - CIM includes the technologies of CAD, CAP, CAM, CAQ and PPS and the sharing of information among them; however, it does not include CAO.
[ISO/IEC 2382:-, term 24.01.02]