Who are we?...

I live in Concord, NH with my wife Jessica, and 2 sons Wesley and Casey. Jessica and I have been together since late 2003, when we were both going through divorces with our ex's, and fell into friendship, and eventually love. Jess is currently a stay at home mom, and I work for the Town of Londonderry, NH, as the Town Planner.

Wes was born in October of 2004 (1 day before the Red Sox won the World Series!), and is such a wonderful little boy. He was a challenging baby, and still poses challenges for us, as he was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. It has been a long strange ride to this point, but he was diagnosed early, and is now beginning the initial stages of extensive social and behavioral therapy.

We are committed to getting Wes all the help he needs, and are very hopeful that he will grow up to be able to live an independent adult life.

Image Gallery 1 for Wesley

Even More Wes Photos

My Page for the NH Autism Walk, Please consider supporting us!

NH Autism Society

Stitches for Autism

Autism Everyday Video (from autismspeaks.org)

Casey was born in September 2006, and looks sooo much like his brother did when Wes was a baby. casey has a totally different personality than Wes, and is, for the time being, a big time daddy's boy. Casey is so full of love an affection for all of us, especially his brother. Casey loves to try to play with Wes, and someday, we all hope that the 2 of them will be best buddies!

Image Gallery for Casey

More Casey Photos

More to come as I try to find the time to keep this page more up to date than I used to!

Jess' Blog about Wesley