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Hello, seeker of InfoSpace! You are warm-welcomed at my site!

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Attention! The entire site have been moved to www.shmurzik.net

There only left old expedition section (with large version of photage).

For the new expeditions (Starting from seasone 2001 - Baikal-Olekma), music, books and new software please visit the site at new location! Thank you!

January 2004: Please note that this site was sheduled for automatic removement due to inactivity (must happen in march or april of 2004) - there is NOTHING new. Use shmurzik.net (in some things a mirror) instead of this site! Thank You.

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This site is created in Russian languge, and then autotranslated in English.  

Not all included in english version, but the main is here.

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All contents, including text, music, graphic and design (except whose, that provided by GeoCities) on this, and on all subsequent subpages - especially photos and rhymes is:

Copyright (C) 1995-2002 by Vladimir "OverMaster" Sungorkin, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.