Announcements and News
Eid Hamegy Mobarak

Eid had a special meaning in Abadan.
In other cities many people traveled in Norooz, the destination 
was Jonoob and specially Abadan.

During the first two weeks of the new year we enjoyed an exceptional 
weather and many of us were busy taking care of our guests from other cities.

The following graph shows why many people from Tehran travelled to
Abadan during Norooz.  They enjoyed a nice weather, warm people and
a good shopping in Kuwaiti bazar.  Yadash Bekheir.

The flowers in Norooz was in full bloom and the Abadan-Khorramshahr
expressway was all full of colorful flowers.

Then came Seezdah bedar that was even more special in Abadan.  I remember 
that we used to go to different Arab villages near Abadan and enjoyed many
recreations including the Lenj ride on Arvand rood and having Ghoozi.  Most
of us have probably been to dairy farm for Seezdah Bedar at least once.