
µ (mu): Micro Prefix for 10 power -6

1GL: First Generation Language Machine language (Software)

2D: 2Dimensional

2D: Double Density (Hardware)

2GL: Second Generation Language Assembler and other low-level languages (Software)

2S: 2 Sides (Hardware)

3D: 3Dimensional

3GL: Third Generation Language High level programming languages (Software)

4GL: Fourth Generation Language Database access languages (Software)

4GT: 4 Gigabyte memory Tuning

5GL: Fifth Generation Language Artificial intelligence languages (Software)

6DOF: Six Degrees Of Freedom



A: Ampere Current measurement unit

A/D: Analog to Digital (Hardware)

A/P: Accounts Payable

A/PC: Auto Personal Computer (Hardware)

A/R: Accounts Receivable

A/UX: Apple UniX (Operating systems) (Apple)

AA: Auto Answer

AAB: All-to-All Broadcast

AAF: Advancced Authoring Format

AAL: Atm Adaption Layer

AAP: Applications Access Point (DEC)

AARP: Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (Network) (Apple)

AAS: Auto Area Segmentation Scanner technology which detects and optimizes text and

   graphics on the same page (Hardware) (Epson)

AAS: All-to-All Scatter

AASP: Ascii Asynchronous Support Package

AAT: Average Access Time

AATP: Authorized Academic Training Program (Microsoft)

ABA: Address Book Archive Filename extension

ABC: Atanasoff-Berry Computer First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes

ABEND: ABnormal END (Software)

ABI: Application Binary Interface Defines the binary system interface between compiled

         applications and the operating system on which they run.

ABIOS: Advanced Basic Input Output System

ABIST: Automatic Built-In Self-Test (IBM)

ABLE: Adaptive Battery Life Extender

ABR: Available Bit Rate

ABRS: Automated Book Request System

ABS: Address Book Synchronization (IBM)

ABS: ABSolute

ABS: Automatic Backup System


ABTS: Ascii Block Terminal Services

AC: Alternating Current

AC: Audio Codec (Hardware)

AC: AutoCheck

AC: Automatic Computer

ACAP: Application Configuration Access Protocol

ACC: ACCumulator

ACD: Automatic Call Distributor

ACDI: Asynchronous Communications Device Interface

ACE: Access Control Encryption

ACE: Access Control Entry (Operating systems)

ACE: Advanced Computing Environment

ACE: Adverse Channel Enhancements

ACE: Adobe Certified Expert (Adobe)

ACE: Automatic Computing Engine

ACF: Access Control Field

ACF: Advanced Communications Function

ACH: Automated Clearing House

ACIA: Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter

ACIAS: Automated Calibration Interval Analysis System

ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability

ACIS: American Committee for Interoperable Systems

ACK: ACKnowledge A transmission control character transmitted by a station

as an affirmative response to the station with which the connection has been set up. (Communication)

ACL: Access Control List For granting or denying access to computer resources (security) (Operating systems)

ACM: Association for Computing Machinery (Organizations)

ACM: Audio Compression Manager (Microsoft)

ACMS: Application Control Management System

ACN:  Automatic Center Network (Communication)

ACP: Auxiliary Control Process

ACP: Ancillary Control Program

ACPI: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (Hardware)

ACR: Allowed Cell Rate

ACROSS: Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System

ACS: Anti Curl System

ACS: Access Control System

ACS: Asynchronous Communication Server

ACS: Advanced Computer System (IBM)

ACS: Access Control Set

ACSE: Association Control Service Element The method used in International Organization for

Standardization's open systems interconnection (OSI) for establishing a call between two applications.

ACSS: Audio Cascading Style Sheet

ACTS: Automated Computer Time Server

ACTS: Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (Communication) (NASA)

ACTT: Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology

ACU: Automatic Calling Unit

ACVC: Ada Compiler Validation Capacity

AD: Active Directory (Operating systems)

ADA: Automatic Data Acquisitions

ADB: Apple Desktop Bus Bus architecture (Hardware) (Apple)

ADBS: Advanced Data Broadcast System (Communication)

ADC: Application Delete Certificate

ADC: Adaptive Data Compression (Hayes)

ADC: Advanced Data Connector (Databases) (Microsoft)

ADC: Analog to Digital Converter A device that translates analog signals to digital signals.

                                                        Contrast with digital-to-analog converter (DAC). (Hardware)

ADC: ADd with Carry

ADCCP: Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures (Communication)

ADD: Automatic Document Detection

ADF: Automatic Document Feeder Scanner device (Hardware)

ADF: Automatically Defined Function

ADF: Adapter Description File File name extension

ADI: AutoCad Device Interface Driver

ADK: Appliance Development Kit (Software)

ADL: Address Data Latch

ADLAT: ADaptive LATtice filter

ADLC: Asynchronous Data Link Control

ADM: Add Drop Multiplexer

ADMACS: Apple Document Management And Control System

ADMD: ADministrative Management Domain

ADML: Application Description Markup Language (Software)

ADMS: Adstar Distributed Management System

ADO: Activex Data Object (Microsoft)

ADP: Automatic Data Processing

ADP: Access Database Project Filename extension (Software) (Microsoft)

ADPCM: Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation Communication protocol (Communication)

ADR: ADdRess

ADR: Advanced Digital Recording (Hardware)

ADS: Application Development System

ADS: Automatic Distribution System

ADS: Application Development Solutions (AT&T)

ADS/O: Application Development System / Online

ADSC: Adobe Document Structuring Conventions

ADSI: Active Directory Service Interface (Network)

ADSI: Analog Display Services Interface

ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Communication infrastructure (Communication)

ADSM: Advanced Data Storage Management (IBM)

ADSM: Adstar Distributed Storage Manager (Databases) (IBM)

ADSP: Appletalk DataStream Protocol (Apple)

ADSR: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release

ADT: Application Data Type

ADT: Abstract Data Type (Microsoft)

ADT: Access Developer Toolkit (Software) (Microsoft)

ADT: Atlantic Daylight Time Timezone: GMT -4:00

ADU: Automatic Dialing Unit

AE: Above or Equal

AEB: Analog Expansion Bus (Dialogic)

AEC: Architecture, Engineering, Construction A computer graphics market requiring specialized

applications that facilitate efficient planning, design, drafting, and analysis.

AEI: Application Enabling Interface

AES: Advanced Encryption Standard

AESA: Atm End System Address (Communication)

AFA: Accelerated File Access

AFAIK: As Far As I Know (Messages)

AFC: Application Foundation Classes (Software) (Microsoft)

AFC: Automatic Font Change

AFC: Automatic Frequency Control

AFD: Automatic File Distribution

AFDW: Active Framework for Data Warehousing (Microsoft)

AFFS: Amiga Fast File System (Operating systems)

AFI: Authority and Format Indentifier

AFII: Association for Font Information Interchange

AFIRM: Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match

AFIS: Automated Fingerprint Identification System

AFLCD: AntiFerroelectric Liquid Cristal Display (Hardware)

AFM: Atomic Force Microscope (Hardware)

AFM: Atomic Force Microscope (Hardware)

AFM: Adobe Font Metrics File name extension (Adobe)

AFP: Advanced Function Presentation (IBM)

AFP: Appletalk Filing Protocol (Communication) (Apple)

AFP: Advanced Function Printing

AFR: Annualized Failure Rate (Hardware)

AFR: Alternate Frame Rendering (Hardware)

AFS: Andrew File System

AFT: Adapter Fault Tolerance (Intel)

AFTP: Anonymous File Transfer Protocol

AGA: Advanced Graphics Adapter

AGARAS: AntiGlare AntiReflective AntiStatic

AGC: Automatic Gain Control

AGE: Amorphium Graphics Engine

AGP: Accellerated Graphic Port (Hardware)

AGU: Address Generation Unit

AH: Authentication Header (Network)

AHA: Adaptec Host Adapter (Hardware) (Adaptec)

AHDT: Alaska-Hawaii Daylight Time Timezone: GMT -10:00

AHS: Automated Highway Systems

AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard Time Timezone: GMT -10:00

AI: Artificial Intelligence

AI: Analog Input

AIA: Applications Integration Architecture (DEC)

AIC: Aixwindows Interface Composer (IBM)

AIF: Audio Interchange Format

AIFF: Audio Interchange File Format (Apple)

AIIM: Association for Information and Image Management

AIM: Aol Instant Messenger

AIM: Application Integration Module

AIN: Advanced Intelligent Network

AIR: Architecture Implementation Review

AIS: Automated Information System

AIS:  Alarm Indication Signal (Telecommunication)

AISB: Association of Imaging Service Bureaus

AISP: Association of Information Systems Professionals

AIT: Advanced Intelligent Tape (Hardware)

AIX: Advanced Interactive executive IBM's Unix (Operating systems) (IBM)

aka: Also Known As (Messages)

ALB: Advanced Load Balancing

ALC: Application Load Certificate

ALC: Arithmetic and Logic Circuits

ALC: Automatic Level Control

ALDC: Adaptive Lossess Data Compression (IBM)

ALE: Application Linking Enabling

ALE: Application Launch and Embedding (Software)

ALE: Address Latch Enable

ALEC: Alternative Long Exchange Carrier (Communication)

ALGOL: ALGOrithmic Language Programming language (Software)

ALIBI: Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases of Information


ALIWEB: Archie Like Indexing in the WEB

ALM: Asynchronous Line Multiplexer A device that connects multiple terminals or other serial

interface devices to Sun network file servers or workstations. Also known as "multiple terminal interface."

ALN: Asynchronous Learning Network

ALR: Advanced Logic Research

ALT: ALTernate

ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit Device in a CPU performing arithmetic operations (Hardware)

AM: Amplitude Modulation

AMA: Automatic Message Accounting

AMASS: Archival Management And Storage System Manufacturer

AMD: Advanced Micro Devices CPU Manufacturer (AMD)

AMD: Active Matrix Display

AME: Advanced Metal Evaporation Recording media technology (Hardware)

AMH: automated material handling

AMHA: Advanced Macro Heuristic Analysis (Dr. Solomon)

AMI: American Megatrends, Inc.

AMI: Alternate Mark Inversion

AMLCD: Active-Matrix Liquid Crystal Display (Hardware)

AMMA: Advanced Memory Management Architecture

AMP: Attached Media Processor (Hardware)

AMPS: Advanced Mobile Phone System (Communication)

AMS: Advanced Microcomputer System (Hardware) (Siemens-Nixdorf)

ANDF: Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format

AN: Access Notde (Telecommunication)

ANI: Automatic Number Identification

ANI: ANImated cursor File name extension (Microsoft)

ANN: Artificial Neural Network

ANN: ANNotations File name extension (IBM)

ANR: Automatic Network Routing (Telecommunication)

ANS: American National Standard

ANSI: American National Standard Institute An organization that reviews and approves product

   standards in the United States. (Organizations)

ANX: Automotive Network eXchange

AO: Analog Output

AO/DI: Always On/Dynamic Isdn

AOCE: Apple Open Collaborative Environment (Apple)

AOE: Application Operating Environment (AT&T)

AOL: America OnLine (Network)

AOS: Add Or Subtract

AOW: Asia and Oceania Workshop One of the three regional OSI implementors workshops.

AP: Application Processor

AP: Access Point (Hardware)

APA: Adaptive Packet Assembly

APA: Arithmetic Processing Accelerator

APA: All Points Addressable

APAR: Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM)

APC: American Power Conversion

APCUG: Association of PC User Groups

APCVG: Association of Personal Computer Users Group (Organizations)

APDU: Application Protocol Data Units

APF: Apple Filing Protocol (Apple)

API: Application Programming Interface A set of calling conventions defining how a service is

         invoked through a software package. (Software)

APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (Intel)

APIS: Advanced Passenger Information System

APL: A Programming Language (Software)

APL: Average Picture Level Monitor quality parameter (Hardware)

APL: Applied Physics Laboratory, Skaggsville, MD. Advanced research facility.

APM: Advanced Power Management

APNIC: Asia-Pacific Network Information Center

APOP: Authenticated Post Office Protocol

APP: APPlication File name extension

APPC: Advanced Program to Program Communication

APPI: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking (Network)

APPN: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (Network) (IBM)

APRP: Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing

APS: Advanced Printing Service (IBM)

APS: Analog Protection System

APS: Advanced Photo System

APS: Asynchronous Protocol Specification

APS: Automatic Protection Switch (Telecommunication)

APSE: Ada Programming Support Environment (Software)

APSO: Audio Precision System One (Hardware)

APT: Address Pass Through

APT: Advanced Parallel Technology

APT: Automatically Programmed Tools

AR: Application Requester (IBM)

ARA: Appletalk Remote Access (Communication) (Apple)

ARAG: Antireflective Antiglare

ARAS: Antireflective Antistatic

ARC: ARChive File name extension

ARCA: Advanced Risc Computing Architecture

ARCnet: Attached Resource Computer NETwork

ARIN: American Registry for Internet Numbers (Organizations)

ARL: Adjusted Ring Length

ARLL: Advanced Run Length Limited

ARM: Advanced Risc Machine

ARM: Asynchronous Response Mode

ARM: Annotated Reference Manual

ARMA: Association of Records Managers and Administrators

ARO: Adaptec Raidport Option (Hardware) (Adaptec)

ARP: Address Resolution Protocol The Internet protocol used to dynamically map Internet

addresses to physical (hardware) addresses on local area networks. Limited to networks that support

hardware broadcast. (Network)

ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency Now called Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

(DARPA), the U.S. government agency that funded the ARPANET. (Organizations)

ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork A packet switched network developed in the early

     1970s. The "grandfather" of today's Internet. ARPANET was decommissioned in June 1990.

ARPL: Adjust Requested Privilege Level

ARQ: Automatic Repeat request (Communication)

ARTA: Apple Real Time Architecture

ARTIC: A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor (IBM)

ARTS: Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server

ARTT: Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal

ARU: Audio Response Unit

ARX: Autocad Runtime extensions (Software) (Autodesk)

AS: Application Server (IBM)

AS: Autonomous System

AS/400: Application System/400 (IBM)

AS/U: Advanced Server for Unix

AS3AP: Ansi Sql Standard Scalable And Portable

ASA: Active Server Application (Network) (Microsoft)

ASAI: Adjunct Switch Application Interface (AT&T)

ASAP: As Soon As Possible (Messages)

ASAP: Automatic Switching And Processing

ASB: Advanced System Buffering (Hardware) (Intel)

ASC: ASCii text File name extension

ASC: Authorized Support Centers

ASCC: Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (IBM)

ASCI: Accelerated Strategic Computing Initialtive

ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

The standard binary encoding of alphabetical characters, numbers, and other keyboard symbols

 (7 bit character code.)

ASD: Automatic Skip Driver (Operating systems) (Microsoft)

ASE: Alladin Smartcard Environment

ASE: Adaptive Server Enterprise (Databases) (Sybase)

ASET: Automated Security Enhancement Tool A tool that allows a user to specify an overall system

     security level (low, medium, or high) and automatically maintain systems at those levels.

ASF: Applied Science Fiction Manufacturer (ASF)

ASF: Advanced Streaming Format

ASF: Active Streaming Format

ASF: Apache Software Foundation (Organizations)

ASIC: Application-Specific Integrated Circuit A gate array or other non-standard chip design

    for proprietary use. (Hardware)

ASID: Address Space IDentifier

ASIT: Advanced Security and Identification Technology

ASL: Adaptive Speed Levelling

ASLM: Apple Shared Library Manager (Apple)

ASM: Advanced Server Manager (Operating systems) (Acer)

ASM: Advanced System Management (IBM)

ASM: AsseMbler File name extension

ASMP: ASymmetric MultiProcessing System architecture (Hardware)

ASN: Abstract Syntax Notation The International Organization for Standardization's open

     systems interconnection (OSI) language for describing abstract syntax.

ASN: Autonomous System Number

ASO: Automated Systems Operations

ASP: Association of Shareware Professionals (Organizations)

ASP: Active Server Pages Dynamic Web pages engine (Network) (Microsoft)

ASP: Advanced Signal Processing

ASP: Application Service Provider (Software)

ASP: Authorized Service Provider

ASPI: Advanced Scsi Programming Interface

ASPS: Advanced Signal Processing System

ASR: Automatic Send Receive (Communication)

ASR: Automatic Send-Receive

ASR: Automatic Server Recovery (Operating systems)

ASR: Automatic Service Request (Communication)

ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition

ASR: Address Space Register

AST: Atlantic Standard Time Timezone: GMT -4:00

ASVD: Analog Simultaneous Voice & Data (Communication)

ASYNC: ASYNchronous Communication Communication protocol (Communication)

AT: Attention Modem command prefix (Communication)

AT: Advanced Technology (IBM)

AT: Azores Time Timezone: GMT -2:00

AT&T: American Telephone and Telegraph

ATA: Advanced Technology Attachment Peripheral bus architecture (Hardware)

ATAG: Attonomously Generate Correlation Tab (Telecommunication)

ATAPI: Advanced Technology Attached Packet Interface (Hardware)

ATD: Asynchronous Time Division (Communication)

ATDNet: Advanced Technology Demonstration NETwork (Network)

ATE: Automatic Test Equipment

ATEC: Authorized Technical Education Center (Microsoft)

ATF: Automated Test Facility

ATG: Advanced Technology Group

ATI: Allied Telesyn International Networking hardware manufacturer (Hardware)

ATL: Active Template Library (Microsoft)

ATM: Adobe Type Manager (Software) (Adobe)

ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode A standard for switching and routing all types of digital

information, including video, voice, and data. With ATM, digital information is broken up into standard-sized

packets, each with the "address" of its final destination. (Communication)

ATM: Automatic Teller Machine

ATM: Air Traffic Management

ATMD: Asynchronous Transfer Mode Datagram (Communication)

ATP: Appletalk Transaction Protocol (Communication) (Apple)

ATPS: AppleTalk Printing Services (Apple)

ATR: Advanced Telecommunication Research (Organizations)

ATR: Automatic Terminal Recognition

ATS: Apple Terminal Services

ATS: Administrative Terminal System

ATS: Asynchronous Time Sharing (Communication)


ATV: Advanced Television (Communication)

ATVEF: Advanced TeleVision Enhancement Forum (Organizations)

ATX: Advanced Technology extended (Intel)

AU: Audio File name extension

AUDIT: AUtomated Data Input Terminal

AUI: Attachment Unit Interface

AUP: Acceptable User Policy

AUX: AUXiliary

AV: Anti Virus

AV: Audio Video

AV: Authenticity Verification

AVA: Audio Visual Authoring (IBM)

AVC: Audio Visual Connection (IBM)

AVC: Advanced Visual Computing (SGI)

AVD: Alternating Voice and Data

AVG: AVeraGe

AVI: Audio Video Interleaved File Format

AVR: Automatic Voice Recognition

AVR: Automatic Voltage Regulation (Hardware)

AVT: Applied Voice Technology

AVTK: Anti Virus ToolKit (Software)

AWC: Advanced Web Creations

AWDE: Artus Wireless Data Enhancer (Communication) (Nokia)

AWE: Advanced Wave Effects (Creative Labs)

AWG: American Wire Gage

AWS: Advanced Workstations and Systems (IBM)

AWT: Abstract Windows Toolkit (Software)

AX: Architecture eXtended

AXI: American eXpress Interactive