Linji Y. An |
Welcome to my home page. I am a geologist (registered in the State of California and currently working as a development geologist for an oil company), a geophysicist (Ph.D.), a computer system analyst, and a software engineer (C, C++ and Java on Windows and Unix)). I investigated geology and earthquake hanzards in southern China and western United States, performed physical modeling and computer simulations on fault development, created some 3-D geologic models on computers, studied fault seal, sediment injection, and subsidence problems, published some papers, and developed some software products. Beside all of these, I'm also interested and explored other things: worked as a farmer, a carpet pattern designer, an amateur artist (painting and magazine cover designing) and photographer. I love nature and gardening. I know several human languages and computer languages. |
This site contains information about my Dr.Seal product (a Windows software package for fault seal analysis, an type of analysis to evaluate reservoir trap in oil & gas industry), my publication list, and my career as an Earth scientist and as a computer engineer. I recently rewrote the software with a lot improvement, including capabilities to handle discrete geobodies. I'll post this new version on this site shortly. |
Index |
Dr.Seal |
Petroleum Geology Acronyms |
My Biography |
Publication list |
I hope you've found something interesting on this page. If you have comments or suggestions, please email me, or leave a message on my message board below. Thank you for visiting my home page, and have a great day! |
Before you leave, enjoy this wonderful Earthrise. |