|PVL Dance|Dialogue on PVL Dance|
Nathaniel Bobbitt
The fundamental components of a PVL must be capable of handling certain processing traits:
I. Reasoning (visual decision making during performance)
II. Recognition (according to pre-determined prompts)
III. Visual and Vestibular Systems (Dynamic-Interactive Scene Descriptions or Asynchronous Episodes)
IV. Performer Ability-Readiness Modeling
Performer Visual Language (PVL) addresses the tasking of the performer. PVL Systems enable others to develop human-machine interfacing systems which convey to an audience the performer's vision , that is, a "polystrata visualization."(See S. Bird "Computational Phonology" regarding polystrata linguistic structures.)
The first topic in the development of performance vision is the creation of environmental-scene descriptions. These scene descriptions will dramatize and mediate the readiness of performer cognition, the allocation of sensory resources, and the excitation of sensory resources. Computer accompaniment of the PVL will provide mobile scenes which challenge performer behavior-readiness. The computer accompaniment monitors the performer's behavior as scripted-tasks:
The evaluation of performer response would give equal importance to the carrying out of a "scripted-tasks" or an attempt at a trial an -- "improvised-script"-- in which the concern is the process of the engagement of the performer's sensory resources. Evaluation of performer behavior is seen in terms of time domain features: updating, time-variance, and inheritance. This approach uses the rendering and scenic panorama of computer graphics/animation to explore performer readiness and response.
Anticipation in performance behavior is supported by the performer's use of motor control and sensory feedback. The engagement of sensory resources is seen as a "switching-on" of resources. This switching-on is cued by the stimuli found within sensory feedback. When the engagement of sensory resources is quick, the switching process is semi-automatic or automatic. When engagement is delayed, sensory allocation requires volition processing (decision, selection, engagement) by the performer. This model has been created to use gross motor behavior as a signal to understand more invisible aspects of mental process, cognition. Cognition experiments which use cognitive trials (reading, counting, recognition or cognitive activities memorization, interpretation of text) have been disregarded due to their single dimensionality. The mixture of sensorial functions to consider cognitive process allows us to see what sensorimotor attributes contribute to cognition.
Each PVL session is based upon a "Visual Paradigm," which subdivides vision into spatial and behavioral components. The Visual Paradigm would not be complete until there is a sensory feedback display. While tracking and tasking performance are vital to the development of computer visual-accompaniment, sensory feedback is one feature which will give computerized visual technology a capability which surpasses the televised display. A computer application which projects performance readiness, performance behavior (excitation, switching-on of sensory resources, replenishment of excitation energy) is vital to an integrated display of sensorimotor behavior which includes sensory feedback.