(13) As an exception to the general provision requiring measurements to be made at subscriber terminals, and without regard to the type of signals carried by the cable television system, signal leakage from a cable television system shall be measured in accordance with the procedures outlined in 76.609(h) and shall be limited as follows:
Frequencies Signal leakage limit (microvolts/meter) Distance in meters(m)
Up to and include 54 MHz: 15 30
Over 54 up to and including 216 MHz: 20 3
(b) Cable television systems distributing signals by using methods such as nonconventional coaxial cable techniques, noncoaxial copper cable techniques, specialized coaxial cable and fiber optical cable hybridization techniques or specialized compression techniques or specialized receiving devices, and which, because of their basic design, cannot comply with one or more of the technical standards set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, may be permitted to operate: Provided, that an adequate showing is made pursuant to §76.7 which establishes that the public interest is benefited. In such instances, the Commission may prescribe special technical requirements to ensure that subscribers to such systems are provided with an equivalent level of good quality service.
Note 1: Local franchising authorities of systems serving fewer than 1000 subscribers may adopt standards less stringent than those in 76.605(a). Any such agreement shall be reduced to writing and be associated with the system's proof-of-performance records.
Note 2: For systems serving rural areas as defined in 76.5, the system may negotiate with its local franchising authority for standards less stringent than those in 76.605(a)(3), 76.605(a)(7), 76.605(a)(8), 76.605(a)(10) and 76.605(a)(11). Any such agreement shall be reduced to writing and be associated with the system's proof- of-performance records.
Note 3: The requirements of this section shall not apply to devices subject to the provisions of 15.601-15.626.
Note 4: Should subscriber complaints arise from a system failing to meet 76.605(a)(6) prior to December 30, 1999, the cable operator will be required to provide a converter that will allow the system to meet the standard immediately at the complaining subscriber's terminal. Further, should the problem be found to be system-wide, the Commission may order all converters on the system be changed to meet the standard.
Note 5: Should subscriber complaints arise from a system failing to meet 76.605(a)(10), the cable operator will be required to remedy the complaint and perform test measurements on 76.605(a)(10) containing the full number of channels as indicated in 76.601(c)(2) at the complaining subscriber's terminal. Further, should the problems be found to be system-wide, the Commission may order the full number of channels as indicated in 76.601(a)(2) be tested at all required locations for future proof-of-performance tests.
Note 6: A franchising authority may apply to the Commission for waiver to impose cable technical standards that are more stringent than the standards prescribed by the Commission.