tHis iS oNly tHe bEgiNning of the eNd, my fRieNd...

oN to the cLuE

In ancient Greek mythology, the previous riddle was asked of Oedipus by the sphinx, a monster with the head of a woman, body of a lion, and wings, who had decided to rule the city of Thebes. Unlike you, if Oedipus had answered incorrectly, he would simply have been eaten. Luckily, he realized the times of the day were symbolic to the periods of a person's life and answered man (four legs as a baby, two legs as an adult, and three legs as an old man with a cane). Therefore, Oedipus was crowned King of Thebes, and unwittingly married his own mother, Jocasta. If you would like to learn more about the incestual tale of Oedipus' "complex", take heed below:


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...yOu feel the creatures closing in...

I muST cHEaT!
I muST cHEaT!

† † † † † † † † † † † † † † † †
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