Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, human beings have been inundated with more & more in the way of goods & services, always getting cheaper, faster, & more convenient. At the same time, human beings have also been subjected to increasing amounts of toxins in the water, soil & sky, & have created ever-increasing amounts of waste.
Everywhere you look in this day & age, someone is bragging that they can deliver a product or a
service faster or more conveniently than their competitors. The saying "Rome wasn't built in a
day" is losing its meaning. We are becoming a society addicted to instant gratification.
If we have to go out of our way or wait, we'll go somewhere else.
Mountains of garbage are generated daily by items packaged for convenience, from facial tissue to food. More mountains of waste are generated by items designed to eventually break or stop functioning, in what many industries euphemistically call "planned obsolescence." Computers & computer software are replaced at a staggering rate not because they have to be, but because someone made a microprocessor that runs faster, or found a way to make a program fancier or prettier, or "more user-friendly."
Almost no one thinks of the long-term consequences ... or even if there ARE any.
Now, if everyone "wants what they want," and they ALL want it yesterday, & they ALL want it the easy way so they don't have to think, who is going to settle for something a little less, or a little later, or a little harder? Where are the mountains of waste & broken or defunct merchandise going to go? What kind of future is this?
We've got to wake up & smell what we've been shovelling. Either we as people must begin taking responsibility for our actions, & finding solutions for some of the problems we are creating with our way of life, or this complex & empty lifestyle that so many now engage in will one day collapse. Where will we all be then?
As a species, humans have shown themselves time & again to be selfish, self-centered, & short-sighted --- somehow we only care when it seems to directly or personally involves US. This is *not* good.
SOME OF US SEEK A SANER WAY --- ONE THAT WILL NOT INSULT OUR HOME OR ITS PEOPLE. Those of us who do feel that there is an alternative, need a place to get away from "the maddening crowd."
If we can, we will act, to find a better way --- providing a saner "safe space" to study & learn a "method to the madness" (for madness is the very word technophiles use to name our refusal to "go along with the program"). To symbolize our solution, we have given a name to our struggle --- and we call ourselves Lo-Tek. And --- in the words of a very famous poster, WE WANT YOU.
Lo-Tek is a nonprofit organization that seeks an alternative to the wasteful, destructive & cruel society we now live in ... through research, study & appropriate action. We want to use only that technology which is necessary to our survival & well-being ... not "just because" it's easier, faster or even cute.
It's not going to be easy; it's not going to be convenient, & it's not cheap. But it is the right thing to do if we want it green, simple & if we want to help our world & sanity. And it's the ONLY thing to do if we want a future that protects the Earth, instead of molesting it.
Please call or write us; we won't judge you whatever your method of communication (notice we
didn't say: "no technology" --- even something as simple as a nail is technological). And don't
sweat the "small stuff" for now. Bottom dollar: If we love Mother Earth, She'll love us all right
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Members will receive a quarterly newsletter (March, May, August, & November), a calendar of
upcoming & events local to the Southern California area, plenty of moral & emotional support,
and access to the information we have gathered so far & will continue to gather.
Any contributions of materials, funds, books, information or advice are always welcome.
Thank you
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