Krutik  J. Anjaria

                                           (815) 601 4070                              220 E Hillcrest Drive, # 5330. Dekalb, IL 60115               






To apply my education and skills as a financial analyst for a major banking and investment firm.



Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
Bachelor of Science - Economics, August 2005

Monetary Policy

Managerial Accounting

International Economics

Financial Accounting

Labor Economics

Statistics in Business

Major GPA:  3.60 / 4.0
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
August 2001 - December 2002
Coursework: Calculus I / II / III, Principles of Marketing, International Relations 



Independent business owner since 2003

Strong math background with excellent research and communication skills.

Decisive and patient approach to complex problems.

Quick learner and equally competent working independently or in a team.

Ability to adapt quickly to challenging situations and people.

Computer skills: MS Windows, MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, SQL Server 7.0, C++,

Web page design using HTML and FrontPage, Adobe PhotoShop, Networking and Hardware.




Sales Associate - Northern Illinois University Bookstore  --   July 2004 - September 2004

  •  Performed sales and tracked inventory

  • Addressed customer concerns and queries

  • Participated in a comprehensive training program.




Assistant Manager - Super 8 Motel -- Chicago, IL  --  May 2003 - January 2004

  • Personally  responsible for the entire motel at night

  • Performed duties at the  front desk including processing reservations over the phone and internet

  • Addressed customer concerns and issues

  • Participated in an extensive Super 8 training program for employees.




Manager - Express Lane --  Chicago, IL  --  August 2001 - May 2002

  • Managed and ordered store inventory

  • Oversaw Pricing, Advertising and Customer service

  • Regularly interacted with suppliers, distributors and government officials

  • Created and maintained Profit / Loss statements using MS Excel



 Office Assistant - Anjaria & Associates  --  May 1997 - June 2001

  • Assisted accountants in the family by creating Excel spreadsheets for tax and auditing purposes

  • General office work including data entry, filing and written correspondence

  • Monitored stock prices and financial news for small investors


Build and maintain computers for family and friends
Tutor for a cousin in middle school
Volunteer at the Chicago Food Depository        -   Spring 2002



Politics, Travel, Gourmet Food, Football, Movies and Reading.