Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 145 (1998) 573-577

Comparison of the least squares and the maximum likelihood estimators for gamma-spectrometry

V.A. Muravskya, S.A. Tolstova, A.L. Kholmetskiib

a International Sakharov Institute of Radioecology, 23, Dolgobrodskaya Str., 220009 Minsk, Belarus

b Department of Physics, Belarus State University, 4, F. Skorina Avenue, 220080 Minsk, Belarus


A comparison of the characteristics of the maximum likelihood (ML) and the least squares (LS) estimators of nuclides activities for low-intensity scintillation gamma-spectra has been carried out by the computer simulation. It has been found that the part of the LS estimators gives biased activity estimates and the bias grows with increase of the multichannel analyzer resolution (the number of the spectrum channels). Such bias in estimates leads to the significant deterioration of the estimation accuracy for low-intensity spectra. Consequently, the threshold of nuclides detection rises up to 2-10 times in comparison with the ML estimator. It has been shown that the ML estimator and the special LS estimator provide non biased estimates of nuclides activities. Thus, these estimators are optimal for practical application to low-intensity spectrometry.

Keywords: Nuclide activity estimation; Scintillation gamma-spectra; Least squares estimator; Maximum likelihood estimator
