That OLD History

Glen, VE4GWN, When he signed my guest book made the point that I should add some history on how, and why I got an American License. So Here we GO!

But before I disapoint you this is only my radio bio. If you want to know about my life, well, that would take alot of time to tell. LOL Mind you, if you have a few hours, and believe in drinking coffee maybe we can change that.....(just kidding)
73 and Please enjoy,

It all started when I got my scanner, and shortwave radio confiscated by the police. We were traveling down the road when a RCMP officer stopped us. We asked him what the problem was, and the first thing he said was, "What is that radio equipment that you have back there?" I replied and said it was a scanner and so on. Then he asked me if I had a Ham Radio License. I replied with a, "No." That is when he broke the news to me that he would have to take my equipment away. He went on to say that I may have been using them for drug purposes. Well that settled it I was going to get a Ham radio license.

Well sorry to all the Canadians, but the study book here scared me away from the whole hobby. So when I was in the U.S.A. I picked up a copy, from Radio Shack, of Gorden Wests "Technician No Code" study manual. When I got a hold of it I started to study it. I read it in three days, took the exam, and passed.

As I got my 2-meter radio from radio shack. I knew a fellow on which I had talked to on the C.B.(Please forgive me for using the C.B. word) He had told as soon as I got my license to give him a call, and he would get on and talk to me.

So finally the day came when I phoned in to the FCC and they gave me the call "KC8LNE." I must say I was quite pleased with the whole thing. So I gave Rob Carpenter a call and told him that I had gotten my radio and license and told him that I would like to get on the air.

I still remember my first contact on the Ham radio was to Robert Carpenter, WA8FOQ. It was Dec 31/98 from 5:05pm to 5:20pm. I certainly liked the radio. Rob was always telling me to get my General class license so that he could talk to me up here in Canada. Unfortunately he passed away before that time. He was 78. Now I may not have known him well but it certainly was hard on me, and I will never forget his patience that he showed me when I first got on the Radio.

Before his passing he had introduced me to some very kind people, in which I still talk to today. There names are Karen, KB8NSA, and Ray, N8TWV. Both of these people have showed the same patience as had Carpenter. Ray I remember him teaching me how to use the repeater. I am sure that it would have been easier to shoot me then to teach me it, but I finally got the hang of it, and I am thankful that he taught me how to do it. When we are in West Virginia, I always talk to Karen(KB8NSA), Ray(N8TWV), and Norman,(WA8NAD) every morning on 146.52 simplex, and also I have been trying to give her a call on 14.332.00, or the YL net.

All these people were very nice to me and helped me beyond what they even know. Thanks West Virginia For teaching me about radio!! These people are truly family to me.

Well, we always had a Canadian residents. So we come up here and stay a few months and then go back into the U.S.

So There you have it's My History of Ham Radio, If I were to write my whole Biography, it would be a whole lot longer then this. So will just stay with the radio side of it. I Have now been a Ham Radio operator for 4 years and a few months and hold a Extra Class license. If any of you want to give me a shout on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80, or 160m. Please drop me an e-mail and we will see what we can do. Hope you don't mind CW!

73!!! and KEEP HAMMING!!

Kevin Mills (KC8LNE)

P.S. If any of you ever here any of the following callsigns on the air. Please give them a Hello from me. Thanks and 73's








And please forgive me for the ones I forget.