Roasted Red Potatoes #41

Why #41? I don't know, it just seems to me that this is probably not a particularly original recipe on my part. As it is it's based on the recipe used at Boston Market for years, though it roasts instead of steams and uses olive oil instead of margarine.

Preheat oven to 350F/220C. Toss the potatoes, garlic, and dill in extra virgin olive oil until coated and mixed. Drizzle a bit more oil into a roasting pan and add potatoes. Cook for about twenty to thirty minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid sticking, and then serve.

Variation: Boston Market Reds

While technically I did sign an NDA when I worked for Boston Market years ago, the truth of the matter is that this recipe can be reverse-engineered at sight by anyone who knows how to cook a potato. Basically, the same ingredients (without the olive oil); steam the cut potatoes (I use an electric steamer appliance and follow the directions in the manual), then add crushed garlic, about 3 tbsp softened butter, and the chopped dill and toss until the butter is melted.

Oh, and the secret to the spinach: Alfredo sauce.