Brian's Quality Software

last updated 7/25/2000
Though not currently employed in the computer field that I went to school for, I do write the occasional piece of software, both for fun and to keep myself from getting stale.

The Goods

A Digression on Personal Style

Although comfortable in several different environments, I prefer to write my software in Perl. Perl is great because it's what I call a "slacker hacker" language; it handles all the high-level stuff such as string matching so you don't have to think about it.

I have strong opinions as well on licensing. I am very much an Open Source advocate, but I'm not a GNU-loving hardliner. Though some of my older material is GPL, I prefer to use the MozillaPL so as not to impinge on the rights of those who use my code (APSL is tempting but a bit intrusive). To see my reasons, read my essay Why Richard Stallman is a Crackpot.

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