var'aq-related links

There's plenty of material out there that would be relevant to var'aq; it's just that all of it feeds into what I used to create it and very little of it has anything to do with var'aq itself. This links page is therefore sort of a tour of my inspirations in creating var'aq. Sit back, relax, grab a beer or a cup of coffee and start clicking.


This is the sort of thing where I mention the influences that led to the creation of var'aq in the first place. This is basically the usual suspects that you'd expect, and a few more.


var'aq, of course, inhabits the Star Trek universe. I needn't go into detail here; if you don't know, you probably wouldn't be interested in this project in the first place.


This project has allowed me to indulge a long hobby of mine, language design. I've created ideas for both natural and computer languages; the following pages point to some of my influences in the creation of var'aq. Some are straight, some are strange, all are quite interesting.