Columbia Villa Tamarack
Computer Learning Center

Link to page 2
- drawings of children

Link to page 3 - Assistants in our program

Link to page 4 - Activites accomplished
Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) web page
This page last updated Feb.10, 02
The Columbia Villa Tamarack  Computer Learning Center is a non profit computer lab sponsored by the Housing Authority of Portland, (HAP) Oregon.

Located at 8911 N Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203, it is situated in Oregon's largest public housing complex called Columbia Villa / Tamaracks.

It is open to the community and serves children 4 years old up to adults 84 years young.

The concept of the lab is to provide a community technology resource and education support center to our low income residents.

The facility offers Internet access, email account support, educational assistance/tutoring for other institutions such as the local schools, community colleges and universities, plus fun and games for children to use, in a safe environment.

The lab is designed to assist residents in learning computer basics.  Most common computer applications such as Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Graphic programs are available.  Time is also spent working with peripherals commonly used in computing such as printers, scanners, cameras and modems.

Second language learning software programs are available for people interested in learning ESL.  A library of Encyclopedias and academic software is on hand to assist users interested in doing homework or research projects.

Use of the lab is free, and because it is a HAP non profit activity with a no... to low... overhead budget, we accomplish our services to the community through an active volunteer program.  All users who sign up to use the lab for free, are required to volunteer one hour of their time back to supporting the functioning of the lab, for every 20 hours of personal use they do.

Volunteer activities can include the following types of things:
cleaning the lab          creating schedules, forms, signs      tutoring other students
repairing computers    installing software                          opening the lab for users
No one is asked to do something they have not developed the skills for yet.

For information concerning volunteer activities at the computer labs or other HAP volunteer opportunities, please contact Elli Work (HAP's Volunteer Coordinator) at (503) 802-8585
between Monday and Fridays 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM  PST.
Or if you prefer.... contact Elli though direct email at
This Web page Design and content is the responsibility of:
HAP Computer Learning Center Coordinator  - Sheryl Butler
Direct email link to The Computer Learning Center at Columbia Villa - Tamaracks
(503) 285-7402 Voice Mail.
Winter Schedule
January 7 to March 22nd 2002

Monday thru Thursday MORNINGS - 8:00 AM to 12 NOON - Open Resource ADULT session
with volunteers Anna Chamberlain, Clestina Barrett

Monday EVENINGS - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Adult or child with parent Session with Sheryl Butler

Wednesday EVENINGS - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Hispanic and Adult Session with Zenona Coronel

Children's After School Club
with Experience Corp Volunteers

Winter term,

Mondays - 3 to 6 PM, Tuesdays - 4 to 7 PM
Wednesdays  3 to 6 PM and Thursdays 4 to 7 PM

HAP web page
ZAPBAC interactive non smoking web site - by TVCenters
Columbia Villa Tamaracks Computer Learning Center Web page
The Tualitin Valley Centers Web page
The Community Association of Portsmouth Web page
Peace Action Zone CVTCLC web page web site
Iris Court Computer Learning Center Web page
Hillsdale Terrace Computer Learning Center Web Page
Fir Acres Computer Learning Center
Columbia Villa -Tamarack
Centro de aprendizaje en computacion

El centro de aprendizaje en computacion es un centro no lucrativo y esta patrocinado por  housing authority of Portland [HAP].

El centro de aprendizaje se encuentra situado en COLUMBIA Villa /Tamaracks.el cual es el complejo mas grande  de apartamentos en Portland, Oregon codigo postal 97203.  el domicilio es 8911 N, Woolsey Ave.

El centro de aprendizaje esta abierto a la comunidad y da servicio desde ninos de 4 anos hasta adultos de 84 anos

El concepto de el centro de aprendizaje es proveer  tecnologia y educacion  a nuestros residentes de bajos recursos.

El centro de aprendizaje en computacion, ofrece acseso a la Internet, correo electronico, cuentas de correo electronico gratis. Asistencia educacional/ tutoria para otras instituciones como escuelas y colegios comunitarios, ademas tenemos juegos educacionales para los ninos.

El centro de aprendizaje  esta disenado para asistir a nuestros residentes a aprender lo basico en computacion. Mecanografia, preparacion de documentos con el programa Microsoft, como hacer panfletos con Corel,
como usar la impresora, camara digital  y demas.

El centro de prendizaje provee cursos de Ingles como segundo idioma, tambien tenemos cursos en Espanol y enciclopedias  con las cuales pueden hacer projectos o la tarea.

El uso de este centro es gratis,  y para poder  proever estos servicios nosotros necesitamos voluntarios.Todas las personas que usan el el centro de aprendizaje  deben voluntariar 1 hora, por cada 20 horas de uso . 

Actividades voluntarias, pueden  ser ayudar a otros estudiantes, limpiar el centro de aprendizaje, reparar computadoras, instalar progamas, abrir el centro de aprendizaje, crear horarios o panfletos, a ninguna persona   se le pedira que haga algo que no sepa hacer.

Para mas informacion concerniente a las actividades voluntarias a el centro de  computacion o otras oportunidades de voluntariar para el housing, favor de llamar a Elli Work nuestra codinaria de voluntarios, en housing a este  numero de telefono (503) 802-8585  de Lunes a viernes de 8:00AM a 5:00PM o por medio de su correo electronico
Link to page 2 - drawings of children

Link to page 3 - Assistants in our program

Link to page 4 - Activites accomplished