Welcome to the INDEX of materials, links, and statistics about assorted topics gathered by Mario Buenfil R. 

Site in frequent construction and improvement with topics ranging from ecology, philosophy, literature, fun and kids, to some technical matters about water supply and water utilities management.

Please select whatever you require or wish to check from this list:

    - Sites, documents and statistics about water utilities performance indicators

   - Aquì para estudiantes de "uso_eficiente del agua en ciudades" (DEPFI, UNAM)

    - "ATL_u_ef" Efficient water use in cities, questions and answers (material for DEPFI, UNAM course)

    - Why we need to save water and reduce consumptions in Mexico ?.

   - Why water tariffs should increase in Mexico ?

   - Reflections on water: a collection of doubts, quotes and suggestions related to
                environmental problems and the value of water.

    - Look at FINAGUA (water finances)

    -  my bookmarks, links, my public e_mail, my private_e_mail, etc.

- soon here will be more stuff

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Please send me any comment or suggestion my photographMario O. Buenfil R.    m.buenfil@eudoramail.com