Miniopterus schreibersi:
This is very
unique genus among the vespertilionid bats. The second and third
metacarpals are almost equal but the third finger is unique in
having an elongated second phalanx (almost three times as long
as the third phalanx). The muzzle is short and the head appears
to be domed.
It is widespread
in the Ethiopian, Oriental and southern Palearctic regions.
The long-winged
bat is a European species adapted to more mesic habitats. It is
thus only found in the northern parts of Jordan. It was reported
in the Jordan valley ( Tristram,1884; Aharoni,1930).
It is a highly
colonial species and there are even suggestions of communal
feeding. Dor reported this species in Tyto alba ( Barn
owl) pellets in Palestine.