We all welcome Raaid Rizwan Chaudry to the family !
The Stats
Born: January 28th, 2000
At: 12:30 pm (Friday)
Location: Elk Grove Village, Illinois, U.S.A
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 20.5 in.
Weight: 6 lb 15 oz
It's A Healthy BOY !
Daddy says...
No, I don't want to cut the umbilical cord...
He is so tiny...
How it all happened .....
Mommy says...
Mommy had her regular visit with the doctor on Thursday 1/27/00 and he told mommy and daddy that he wants the stork to make an early delivery the same night in a matter of couple of hours.  Mommy and daddy went home to grab a bite and tell everyone at home.  Hospital called and said that the stork has delayed the delivery until next morning.  Mommy went into labor that night (early morning) at 2:00 AM.  She stayed home till 6:30 AM and then went to the hospital.  They were stuck in the traffic due to an accident but thank God it was not that bad and they made it to the labor and delivery unit at the hospital by 7:00 am.  Finally the stork made the delivery at 12:30 pm the same day.  Late, but still better than ground UPS service !
I am so glad to hold my precious little mouse at last...
How much does he weigh...
How tall is he...
Oh' my God his right eye is injured (of course she was being paranoid...)
Grandpa & Grandma say...
Looks very cute and charming (grandpa)...
Bohat para sa gudda sa... Bismi-l-Allah... (grandma)
Last Updated On 01/28/2002
My Photo Album 2000
Tao Irfan says...
Toot batoot, Raaid is very cute...
My Photo Album 2001
Mommy sends her special THANKS for Baby Shower to  .....
My 2nd. Birthday 2002
Baby says...
I wish you all were here for my debut..... but I won't let you off the hook that easy...  Here is piece of my mind...

I want to break my Nano's picture frames and other stuff and play with Nana's beard.  I want to listen to my khala Fatima's mermaid stories and I want to bug my Khala Sakina when she is watching her evening programs....

I want to sip tea like my chachoo and I want him to take me out for fun!...  I want to be a speedy writer and early riser like my Phuppo Gurya, I wonder if she can pick me up with her patlee kamar.... I want to play with Phuppa's interesting mustache... I am sad that my Phuppo Moona didn't get the visa, I will fight for it as a citizen of this country, I will change the laws.  I want to play with and hug my Phuppo Moona. I want her to spoil me... I want to see my elder cousin-sister Zaino... I want to hug her and play with her...  I promise not to bug her, yeah right!

I want to thank my Mamoo Saad and Mani Jennifer for introducing my Dad to my Mom... And a very special thanks to Guddo Nani and Chemo Nani for making it happen...

I want to play with and bug Sufyan and Amal ... I am looking forward to meeting you...

I want to thank my Tao (Taya) for decorating the house and for the warm welcome home...

Dad says I talk to much so I will go to sleep now... Feed me... wa.. wa... wa... wa...

Raaid is an Arabic name and it means "Leader" and/or "Pioneer"
Dada-jan gave the Aazan in my right ear and Iqamah in my left ear on 1/28/00 at Maghrib time...
Top 12 Names that were considered .....
1.   Raaid   - (First suggested by Dada Abu)
2.   Faaris  - (Suggested by Tao Irfan)
3.   Yaasir  - (Dadou's Favorite)
4.   Haani   - (Phupo Amal's & Fatima Khala's Favorite)
5.   Zaki      - (Nana's Favorite)
6.   Salman - (Chachoo Imran's Favorite)
7.   Abdullah (Dad's Favorite)
8.   Ibn-e-Batuta - (Tao Irfan's Favorite)
9.   Zaid      - (One of Mom and Khala Sakina's favorite)
10. Haaris   - (One of Dad's favorite)
11. Uzair     - (Nano's Favorite)
12.  Bilal      - (Mom and Dad's one of the first picks)
e-mail the baby