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TOGoS's Geocities Site

This page was last updated no longer ago than 2008-02-14.

I am called "T.O.G. of Spookware" or "TOGoS". This is my Geocities site. I hope you either don't mind or don't see the pop-ups. If you are interested in downloading some of my music, you should check out my garageband page, my music.download.com page, or my music info page. I also have several software projects that are of interest mainly to me, as I haven't bothered to write enough documentation to make them very usable to anyone else.

Stuff on this here geocities outpost

My other sites

Things I like

Things I don't like

How to contact me

I'm 'BoxOfLAME' on AIM. You can e-mail me at chumps_53705.no@spam.yahoo.com (post spamblock-removal)

If you click this I will eat your brain.