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Making a website

So, you've decided you want a personal homepage, but don't know where to start? Well, this here page should get you started. It is not a complete reference to HTML, so if you need to do anything more complicated, you should go see the Web Design Group.

Getting webspace

First off, you'll need to have a place to put your pages. Some free web hosting sites include Topcities, Geocities, Tripod, and Angelfire. I would reccomend using tripod, since they'll give you 50 megabytes of space, and provide support for custom CGI programs if you ever decide you want that. Geocities used to be decent, but lately they decided to not support ad banners and instead stick some super-annoying javascript on every page, causing the 'ad square'. I can't seem to log in to my Topcities account, and I don't know how long Angelfire is going to be around. (Topcities looks like they may be going out of business, or already have... I'm not sure. I always had trouble logging in anyway)

Uploading your pages

Once you have some pages and some webspace to put them on, you can, upload your pages to the site. To do this, you can use FTP, or File Transfer Protocol. Most machines should have an FTP client on them. At the command prompt, go to the directory holding your pages, and type ftp <sitename>, where sitename is something like Once you have logged in using your username and password, you should then be able to type put <filename>, and that file will be transferred to your website. Usually you will need a page called index.html or index.html if you want people to be able to access your site without putting the page name at the end of the URL. This way you could access the site using something like, instead of You can change directories on the remote server by typeing cd <directory name>, and locally using lcd. You can usually also type ? for a listing of commands. If you are uploading a non-text file, (like an image or a zip), you will need to be in binary mode. To do that, just type binary. To get back to ASCII mode, just type ascii. The difference between ASCII mode and IMAGE (binary) mode is that if you use ASCII, newlines will be converted to the correct sequence of characters depending on where they are going (DOS boxen use "\r\n", I think pre-X macs use "\r", and UNIX uses "\n"). In general, this doesn't matter, since HTML just treats '\r's '\n's as extra whitespace, and a good program (as in not notepad or Windows's telnet) should work regardless of whether you use "\n" or "\r\n". ("\r" is a different story...)

A crash course in (X)HTML

Once you have an account with one of these services, you'll need some content (duh). Web pages are written in a language called HyperText Markup Language (HTML). You can create web pages with some of these services without knowing HTML, by using a special program or filling out a form that writes it for you, but you won't have nearly as much control, and your pages will often not work as well as they could if you wrote them by hand.

Each web page is represented by a single HTML file, and each HTML file may only represent one web page. If you want another page, you have to start another file.


An HTML file is really just a plain text file (like you would make using notepad, if you're on Windows), except that text between angle brackets (< and >) mean something special. These angle bracket pairs and the text they contain are called tags. For instance, <br /> means start a new line (Just starting a new line in the file will not start a new line on the page. Instead, any number of spaces, newline characters, and/or tabs in a row will be treated as a single space. This way the text can wrap to fit the size of the user's browser window, which you usually do not know when writing the page). Many tags are used in pairs, such as <p>, which defines a paragraph. To use these tags, you put an opening tag (<p>), followed by the content of the tag pair, followed by the closing tag, which is the same as the opening tag, except with a slash before the name (in this case, </p>. Tags that are used by themselves should end with a slash, such as the <br /> tag (actually, this is not a requirement of html, but rather of xhtml. see html vs xhtml).

The entire page should be surrounded by the <html> tag pair (<html> and </html>). The body of the page should be enclosed between <body> tags, and the header information (stuff which is not displayed as part of the page, but used by the browser for other things, such as the <title>) is enclosed between <head> tags. So, here's the basic structure of the page:

<title>title goes here</title>
other header information goes here

Main text of page goes here.

Another thing you can do with tags is give them properties. For instance, the body tag has a property to set the background color of a page, called bgcolor. You can set the property by putting the name of the property, followed by an equal sign, followed by the value of the property in quotes. To set the background color of the page to black, you could do like this: <body bgcolor="black"> (see colors). Some properties are only on or off, and so do not need a value. To turn them on, you just include the name of the property in the tag (like this: <table border>). Note that you do not need to put the properties in the closing tag. Only the opening one. Properties of a singular tag come before the slash at the end. (like this: <img src="foop.gif"/>). Singular tags without properties should have a space between the tag name and the slash. Otherwise some web browsers won't recognise them.


One of the most fun parts of HTML is linking. To create a link, surround the text you want to link from with <a> tags, using the href property to tell it where to link to, like this:

<a href="">Google</a>.

Try not to use text like click here, for that carries little meaning. You can also label a piece of a page that you can link to using a's name attribute, like this:

<a name="spiffyword">asdkasd</a>.

You can then link to it from the same page like this:

<a href="#spiffyword">a spiffy word</>

or from another page like this:

<a href="some/other/page.html#spiffyword">a spiffy word</>.

The id attribute which can be applied to any tag is supposed to replace a name, but a lot of browsers don't yet support that. Remember to include the entire URL ( when linking to other websites. Otherwise your link won't work.

Embedded objects

Sometime you may want to embed other types of data in your web page, such as images, java applets, etc. You can do this using the object tag pair. The object tag can include the following properties:

This is supposed to replace the old img, and applet tags. Inside the object tags, you can put <param name="paramname" value="paramvalue"/> tags, just like for java applets. After the param tags, you can put alternative content for browsers that cannot display that type of data (such as another object tag, which may itself hold alternative content). The alternative content may be any valid html.


The tags <h1> through <h6> denote headings. You should always use these instead of just using large text, because they give the document structure. h1 is the most important, and h6 is the least important.


Tables are used to display tabular data :-). Here is an example of a table:

<table border>
  <td>Row 1, Col 1</td>
  <td>Row 1, Col 2</td>
  <td>Row 2, Col 1</td>
  <td>Row 2, Col 2</td>
  <td colspan="2">This column is wide</td>
  <td>two<br />lines</td>
  <td>one line</td>
<tr valign="top">
  <td>two<br />lines</td>
  <td>one line</td></tr>

This creates the following:

Row 1, Col 1Row 1, Col 2
Row 2, Col 1Row 2, Col 2
This column is wide
one line
one line

tr creates a row, td creates a cell. The border flag in the table tag tells it to draw a border between the cells. The valign="top" in the last row tells it to align the contents of the cells at the top of the row, instead of the middle.

A table can have any number of rows and columns. You can specify the number of columns in the table tag with the cols property, which will often cause it to be displayed differently.

People often use tables in order to get more control over the layout of their pages, by sticking entire pieces of the page in table cells. You should try to avoid doing this. If you do this, you should lay it out so that it looks alright even if the table cells are stacked vertically where they would normally be side-by-side, because some text browsers will display them that way if there is not enough room on the screen. Try it in different browsers to make sure it looks OK in all of them.


If you want to change the way your page looks (change colors, backgrounds, line widths, etc.), you can use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to do so. Here's the CSS used for this page:

body, p, tr, td, th, ul, ol, dir, pre, code
blockquote, input, form, textarea
{background: black; color: lime; font: medium verdana; }
pre, code { font: medium courier; }
strong { font-weight: bold; }
span.lead { font-weight: bold; }
h1, h2, h3, h4 {color: DarkTurquoise; }
h1 {font: bold xx-large verdana, helvetica; align: center; }
h2 {font: bold x-large verdana, helvetica; }
h3 {font: bold large verdana, helvetica; }
h4 {font: bold medium courier; }
a:link {color: orange; }
a:visited {color: #ff6611; }
a:hover {color: yellow; }
a:active {color: yellow; }

It should be pretty self explainitory. You can tell it to only set the style properties for a certain class of object by putting the tag name, followed by a dot, followed by the class name, or you can just use the dot and the class name. You can tell it to only apply it to an object with a certain id by using a pound sign (#) followed by the id. The class and id are simply attributes of the tag.

You can tell a page to use a style sheet by linking to it in the head, like this: <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css" media="screen"/>.


Whenever you need to specify a color in an HTML or CSS document, you can do so by using the color's name, or by using the RGB value of the color (since we can't have a name for every one). Names can be used for simple colors like 'white', 'black', 'red', etc., but I always just use the RGB value because that way I have control, instead of the browser. You represent the color like this #rrggbb, where rr, gg, and bb are the hexidecimal values of the red, green, and blue of the color, respectively.


This page doesn't actually describe HTML, but rather XHTML, which is basically HTML with certain restrictions to make it compatible with XML (eXtensible Markup Language). Differences between HTML and XHTML include:

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