
This quiz's first few questions are simple! But as it goes on, they get harder.

1. Poke'mon is from where?
a) Brazil
b) Japan
c) USA
d) the middle of nowhere

2. What are the colour (s) of circles and dots on Togepi's egg?
a) blue and red
b) yellow and green
c) gold and silver
d) black and white

3. Ash is from a place called where?
a) Pewter City
b) Cerulean City
c) Lavender Town
d) Pallet Town

4. What is the English name for Waniniko?
a) Croccy
b) Scales
c) Totodile
d) Chomp chomp

5. Which of these is NOT a Grass Poke'mon?
a) Chicolita
b) Pikachu
c) Bulbasaur
d) Tangela

6. What is Pichuu?
a) a pre-Pikachu
b) a pre-Raichu
c) a pre-Pikablu
d) a pre-Mew

Well, that's the end of my test. You can check your answers right