Manual for
Web TimeLog
Version 1.5

Copyright 1999-200
1 Michael Chukwunyelu. All rights reserved. 

I.         Introduction
II.                Installation
III.             Operation
a.       The log file
b.      Filtering the information
c.       Managing the log

d.   Generate Log File As Text

e.      Configuration                   

I. Introduction

Web TimeLog is a program for Win95/98/Me that can be used for monitoring on-line time and costs incurred. The program runs in the system tray portion of the desktop. It was designed for dial-up network connections and can keep track of multiple ISPs. Web TimeLog keeps a log of all connections it monitors.

 II. Installation

Web TimeLog comes as a zip file ( which you unzip into any folder in the C drive. Run the webtime.exe file. This will create a directory- C:\Program Files\Webtime- and Web TimeLog installs itself  there. It will then show its icon on the system tray.Then it shows the window below

 III. Operation 

a.       The Log file
You can get to the Log by clicking the View Log button in the main window. This file contains the history of connections made. It records the date, connection name, log-off time, log-on time and duration of individual connections. It appears as in the figure below

b.  Filtering the information
The log can be searched by the connection name, month or year. Clicking on either Connection Name, Month or Year displays the filtered data in the display area of this window. 

c.       Managing the log
By clicking on the Manage Log File button, another dialog box opens where you can delete single entries or the entire log. Remember to double-click the item on the list to select it. 

d. Generate Log File As Text
When this button is clicked, a text file version of what is displayed on the "View Log"" window is generated and opened in Windows Notepad. From here the file can be printed or saved as a text file.

e. Configuration
By clicking on the Configure button on the main window, a variety of options are available:

Under General Tab:
Run Web TimeLog When Computer Starts: Check this if you want to automatically start Web TimeLog (this is recommended).
Show Web TimeLog At Start-Up: This allows the main window to be shown whenever the program is run. Otherwise the only indication that it is active is the system tray icon.
Use default system colors to display Log file: This option changes the color of the display portion of the View Log dialog from black text on green background to whatever settings the user has selected in the control panel.
Display Time in 24-Hour format: This changes the time display format in the main window and in the Log view.
Under Accounts Tab:
Here the account details can be set up. In some countries that may use prepaid Internet card, the choice is provided here. The number of hours available can be entered if Pre-Paid Internet Card is selected.
When Limited Access is selected, details such as monthly charge, allotted time and so on can be entered.
The last choice is Unlimited Access. Obviously this will be selected if you have a free unlimited access account. 

Under Log Tab:
When Show All Connections is selected, when the log is viewed, all connection names are shown no filtering is done on this criteria. When Filter With Previous Connection Name is selected, the log only displays the connections made with the connection name  used in the last session. 

Under Alarm Tab:
The user can set the alarm here. The alarm can be a useful reminder while on line. There are three choices for the alarm notification. A message box can be displayed  with accompanying sound, the sound alone without a message box and finally message box alone. The alarm can be set to go off, once every preset amount of time or it can be set to sound only once and then never again in that on-line session.
The alarm can be set between a range of 1 minute to 24 hours.


Note: This manual will be updated accordingly as Web TimeLog is improved.