Pittcon Editors' Awards 2006

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In a news release issued by Pittcon, "products or technology eligible for the award must be on the floor and enjoying its first PITTCON. Each editor and reporter is allowed up to three nominations. Late Wednesday afternoon, many of them caucus in person. Finally, a vote is called. Gold, silver, and bronze plaques are awarded; all other nominees are awarded 'Honorable Mention.'" This years' informal poll of editors covering this major industry event for analytical instrumentation and laboratory equipment attracted 25 nominations from about 20 nominating editors.... this is how the chips fell this year:

Pittcon Editors' Gold Award

Thermo Electron Finnigan Orbitrap

Pittcon Editors' Silver Award

Chata Biosystem Chem+Mix

Pittcon Editors' Bronze Award

Cerno Bioscience MassWorks

Other nominations were in alphabetical order: 300 Series Fast GC, Cambridge Scientific; 1200 HPLC, Agilent Technologies; Accurate Mass Software, ACD/Labs; Bruker 800 Mhz UltraShield Plus , Bruker; D8 Screen Lab, Bruker AXS; DyanPro Plate Reader, Wyatt Technology; Explorer Small Sample Prep System, CEM; FID Detector, Cambridge Scientific; iCAP 6300/6500, Thermo Electron; Ion Chip, Microsaic Systems; KnowItAll Metabolomics, Bio-Rad; Labworks LIMS 5¡9, PerkinElmer; LIBS, Ocean Optics; LC/MS IntelliXtract, ACD/Labs; MQC Benchtop NMR, Oxford Instruments; Phazir, Polychromix; S8 Tiger XRF, Bruker AXS; SpectrinLine, Ometric; SpectroGenesis SOP, Spectro Analytical; Star LIMS 10, Star LIMS; TC-100 Turbo Pump—C MVP-006 Diaphragm Pump, Pfeiffer Vacuum TriSep PCEC System; UniMicroTechnology Varian 500 APCI LC/MS, Varian.

Take the advice of the Pittcon Editors who put considerable time and effort into producing this gold, silver and bronze list of vendors that have distinguished themselves far and above the competition. You'll have to forgive us for not noting who wasn't worthy of inclusion on this select list.... they didn't even muster a nomination!


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