Pittcon Editors' Awards 2007

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According to LabTechnologist.com:

"The 58th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy had nearly 20,000 registered visitors and more than 150 editors and reporters from around the world."

"The editors search the exhibition floor for the products that they believe should be brought to the attention of their readers. This is like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack - the exhibition is enormous with more than a thousand exhibiting companies."

"The judging involves a technical review of each nomination, followed by a voting session."

This years' informal poll of editors covering this major industry event for analytical instrumentation and laboratory equipment attracted over 30 nominations from about 20 nominating editors.... this is how the chips fell this year:

Pittcon Editors' Gold Award

Waters Corporation Synapt HD-MS

Pittcon Editors' Silver Award

Paraytec's Atipix and
ThermoFisher Scientific LTQ XL ETD


Pittcon Editors' Bronze Award

Bruker's FT-IR and
Horiba Jobin Yvon Activa M

Other nominations were in alphabetical order: Agilent, 7890GC; Ametek, Apollo 40 SD; Aspectrics, EP-NIR; Axsun Technologies, Anavo; Bio-Rad, KnowItAllAnywhere; Bruker, RAID-AFM; Bruker AXS, Ultra Bright X-Ray source; CEM, Explorer Q; Cerno, MassWorks CLIPS; Dionex, RFIC; Eksigent, Express RT; Glass Expansion, IsoMist; Hiperscan, SGS Scanning Grating NIR; InnovX, Alpha Series XRF; Labcyte, Portrait 630; Metrohm Peak, 850 IC; MicroSpectral Sensors, I-Lab; Nanoliter, Induction Based Fluidics; Shimadzu, Formula Predictor Software; Spectro, ARCOS ICP-OES; Tiger Optics, Halo-H2O; Torion, Miniature GC-MS.

Take the advice of the Pittcon Editors who put considerable time and effort into producing this gold, silver and bronze list of vendors that have distinguished themselves far and above the competition. You'll have to forgive us for not noting who wasn't worthy of inclusion on this select list.... they didn't even muster a nomination!


You demand performance and productivity.... Shimadzu DOESN'T Deliver!

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