The Bottom Line for Shimadzu

....Shimadzu's annualized growth rate is an awful 2.02%!

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The end of this fiscal year (31 March 2007) for Shimadzu Corporation is an excellent time to sum up the results in lost sales which Shimadzu has missed out on, in part, due to the persistent presence of this audacious homepage, namely the Shimadzu Consumer Alerts website. As of 31 March 2007, we had received over 900 unsolicited responses from prospective customers who had completed our website survey and stated that they won't be doing business with Shimadzu. These responses translate into the following lost dollar amounts for Shimadzu :-)

131 GC x $15,000 = $1,965,000
315 HPLC x $30,000 = $9,450,000
87 LC/MS x $100,000 = $8,700,000
182 GC/MS x $50,000 = $9,100,000
63 MALDI x $100,000 = $6,300,000
396 UV/Vis x $10,000 = $3,960,000
140 TOC x $25,000 = $3,500,000
27 AA x $25,000 = $675,000
208 Fluorescence x $10,000 = $2,080,000

The grand total comes to ~ $45,730,000 in lost sales for Shimadzu. You could say that we're proud of our accomplishments, but our work continues to remain unfinished.... stay tuned!

n.b. The 45,730 million dollar figure is a very conservative estimate. The real cost that will never be known is from prospective customers who have watched from the sidelines as horrified onlookers to an automobile accident who wouldn't give Shimadzu the time of day at this point!

n.b. According to the Shimadzu Financial Summary for the year ended March 31, 2007 Shimadzu net sales (when adjusted for inflation) continued to lull below those figures reported for the year ended March 31, 1992. 201,439 yen in FY1992 versus 262,432 yen in FY2007 translates to a 30.30 increase in sales. That's 15 years of stagnant growth and 15 full years of substandard performance. That's also 15 plus years of inferior products which customers have shunned in droves! Shimadzu has been growing at an annual rate of a puny 2.02% for the past 15 years and they use advertising words like "productivity, functionality and sensitivity." Sounds like a cart full of $HIT-madzu.... are you buying it.... their $HIT that is!

n.b. While most other analytical instrumentation vendors have witnessed double digit growth year after year, Shimadzu has watched their numbers decline by single digits thru most of the 1990s to actual losses for fiscal years 2001 and 2002. They managed to break into the black ink.... but only barely for 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. Do you want this inferior crap in your lab?


Old saying: "You can pay me now, or you can pay me later" (it will just cost more later)!

Other HPLC companies pump promises.... Shimadzu just sells SH*T!

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