a Headache
On-Site Customer Demo Guidelines
Please consider the following synopsis in response to a recent email query: "What
do you know about Shimadzu TOC-5000 and TOC-Link software???" (These guidelines
should be employed whenever a salesperson attempts to sell you any Shimadzu products
and/or services!)
First of all, we'd recommend writing out the guidelines contained herein in the form
of questions to be submitted to your Shimadzu sales representative. Let him/her respond in
writing to your request(s) for information if they really want your business. Accept NO
substitutes! This way, you'll have a written record if needed for future reference.
1) Request a demo of the TOC-5000 with TOC-Link software in your lab with the associated
User's manual. You heard it here first: Review this documentation for spelling,
grammar, usage, punctuation and ask when it was last revised! (We think that a
readable manual is one of the basic tenets of offering a product for sale period!) Insure
that Shimadzu supplies everything (i.e. gas, computer, etc) for the demo so there is no
blame to go around. Observe how long it takes to get everything working and functioning
properly. You'll spend in the ballpark of $30,000, so make Shimadzu perform on-site!
2) Don't listen to any excuses! We can all offer them but hold Shimadzu's feet to the
fire. Remember, you're spending ~$30,000 of your money. Chances are very good that the
salesperson will make a quick exit following the sale! If the salesperson tells you that
the Shimadzu TOC is very reliable, then ask them to back it up with a written 5 year
warranty gratis (covering parts, labor and travel to your lab).... you'll be glad
you did!
3) TOC-Link software is a "band-aid" to quote a former TOC product specialist.
Supposedly, there is another software product coming (but who knows when?). Don't wait for
the new release! Shimadzu promised customers that a new replacement version of EZChrom
software was coming.... it took nearly 18 months to get Class VP to market! Can you wait
that long? And do you want the first copy of it considering the "buggy" nature
of software products in general? Also, try out the TOC-Link software yourself, we think
it's awkward (i.e. it's NOT intuitive!) Check out the import and export functionality
since you will probably be transferring your data to another software package! Insist that
the Shimadzu field specialist import/export data generated in your lab during the demo. Bottom
line: there is definitely better TOC software on the market!
4) Shimadzu makes a decent TOC but it is "fickle." Everything, and WE MEAN
EVERYTHING must be tweaked just right to get reliable reproducible data. We think you can
do better! Check out,,,,, if you are seeking quality analytical instrumentation. (Ask
Shimadzu what percent of the entire TOC market do they have, own or claim?) And check
out our select Manufacturer's listing.
5) What kind of samples are you running: Shimadzu's TOC doesn't like some sample matrices.
When the TOC is brought to your lab for a demo, find the most dirty sample that would ever
be generated in your lab for routine TOC analysis and run it through the TOC-5000
repeatedly OVERNIGHT! If the demo TOC has problems, then you can count on problems
"after the sale!"
6) Insure that you factor in the cost of buying the ultrapure carrier (UPC) grade air that
a Shimadzu TOC requires. We seem to recall that Shimadzu will only guarantee the specs of
their TOC when UPC grade air is purchased for use from Air Products, Inc exclusively. This
may be very important if working in the low ppm range.... make sure you ask!
7) Inquire about the help level of the Shimadzu sales, tech support and service rep
who will be coming to your lab. How long have they worked with TOC analyzers? The in-house
TOC product specialist left that his position in Fall 1996. Ask who has replaced him and
inquire about their level of demonstrated TOC knowledge with specific reference to the
Shimadzu TOC-5000 and TOC-Link software. What peer-reviewed publications/application
notes/technical bulletins have they authored on TOC? Is he/she a recognized expert in the
field or just taking over to fill an in-house vacancy?
8) Request that Shimadzu supply a complete list of every single end-user who has
purchased a TOC within the last two years. They have all the appropriate information
on file.... don't let Shimadzu tell you otherwise! This way, if there are problems with
the technology, then you can research these pitfalls before commiting yourself! Be wary of
any "references" forwarded by Shimadzu.... a complete unadulterated list of ALL
customers will supply the unbiased information you need most! If may prove difficult to
get Shimadzu to admit any major or minor product problems/recalls/warranty exchanges
unless you specifically request this information in writing.
Finally, be on guard. Shimadzu is not the only name in TOCs! Just make an informed
decision. After the decision has been made, there is NO going back! Just ask the former customers that Shimadzu has SUED during the past 2 years. We
think you're on the right track by asking questions. Ask a lot of questions.... the
answers MAY surprise you!
Expect Less Value and More Disappointment from
This page was last 12/31/00
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