Shimadzu GC-16A Problems

....if Shimadzu is written on it, then you've got problems guaranteed!

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The following question appeared in the newsgroup on October 14, 1999:

Hello All,

I have a problem with repair [of a] gas chromatograph Shimadzu GC-16A. Unfortunately, there was no manual of the schematics and circuit descriptions. I was wondering if anyone could help me!
[Does anyone from Shimadzu want to field this one.... didn't think so!]

Thanks in advance,

Yuri Levitsky

n.b. The evidence continues to suggest that Shimadzu customers worldwide can expect to have trouble getting their questions answered wherever Shimadzu hardware (and software) is concerned! What is it about the Shimadzu tech support organization? Does Shimadzu even have one?? What do they do???

n.b. Where are those pesky Shimadzu product manuals? You know.... those manuals which customers have termed "Jinglish" (Japanese improperly translatated into English). How come the customers don't ever seem to get a copy?

n.b. Shimadzu manufactuers a GC-8, GC-9, GC-14, GC-16 and GC-17.... you'll never see a bigger collection of junk in the world!

Shimadzu Low Speed GC systems.... you don't want to catch this crap!

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