2000 IBO Industrial Design Awards

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On August 31, 2000, Instrument Business Outlook announced the 2001 Industrial Design Awards for the seventh consecutive year. In choosing the winners, IBO considered "the innovation, functionality and distinctiveness of a product's design in its instrumentation category" as it relates to form and function:

IBO Gold Award

Applied Biosystems' FMAT 8100 High-Throughput Screening System

IBO Silver Award

Nicolet Instruments' Almega Dispersive Raman Spectrometer

IBO Bronze Award

Syngene's GeneGnome Chemiluminescence Imaging System


Thru the annual Industrial Design Awards, IBO has sought "to recognize the committment on the part of instrument companies to making products that are visually appealing and execute the delicate balance of eye-catching design and functional enhancement." If you decide to buy from another vendor because of perceived innovation, functionality or distinctiveness, just remember that you will get what you pay for (and probably not even that!). Buyer BEWARE.

Remember: If you buy $hit.... then you will have $hit (from Shimadzu!)

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