Shimadzu Service Department
Beer Bashes
....this one's for the inept managerial figureheads at Shimadzu!
Dear Shimadzu Users,
Have you ever had the misfortune of speaking with an in-house service engineer at Shimadzu
on a Friday afternoon? Well, if you have, maybe you've noticed that the Shimadzu service
technician was incoherent, rambling and/or snickering incessantly. Wait a minute, there is
a logical explanation for this aberrant behavior. It involves various Shimadzu employees
(both office staff and product engineers) from the service group who have been known to
frequent at least one local bar (eg. Last Chance Saloon in Columbia, MD) for lunch on many
a Friday afternoon. These lunch socials invariably involve the consumption of copious
amounts of spirits (aka beer, wine, liquor). After being filled to satiety and definitely
"under the influence," these same intoxicated Shimadzu employees climb behind
the wheel of an automobile illegally and drive their inebriated asses back to Shimadzu for
an afternoon of frolicking in the office. Sounds like a great place to work! Need an
application: contact HR Manager Gerry Carder!
n.b. If you have a product problem, who could you turn to at
Shimadzu on a given Friday to effectively, competently and completely answer your
needs/questions? What does this disturbing revelation say about Shimadzu's coveted quality
and customer service programs? Is this "the best" in the industry.... is it
really? Shimadzu will also covet your time, money and maybe even your spouse!
n.b. The contributor of these facts tells us that several service department employees
have been observed "nipping the bottle" at one of the local watering holes
during lunch and then seen frolicking around the Shimadzu workplace for the rest of the
afternoon. The contributor names names in the sci.chem.analytical newsgroup at Just do a "Power
Search" for "Shimadzu Service Department Beer Bashes" exactly! What will
Shimadzu officials (starting with Marvin Jenkins) do to combat this intoxicating problem
in their workplace? Maybe they will just turn their heads and look the other way!
n.b. It should be noted that these drunken escapades are not limited to Fridays only.
Apparently, Monday is another favorite day to visit the Last Chance Saloon to partake of
the beer and burger specials! At Shimadzu, the week begins.... and ends with alcohol!
n.b. So, Good Luck if you have a GC, GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS, TOC, UV-Vis or FTIR service
problem.... you may get hooked up with a Shimadzu employee whose only loyalty and concern
is TGIF (and/or Thank Goodness Its Monday)!
Shimadzu delivers lies, denials and cover-ups....
For more information about Shimadzu, call 1-800-LIARS
This page was last 12/31/00
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