Just Say No to Shimadzu's Protection Plan

.... this bogus protection plan is a cash cow for Shimadzu!

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According to a report which aired October 7, 1998 on ABC's news magazine show 20/20, extended warranties (like Shimadzu Scientific Instrument's Protection Plan) are gimmicks that bring in more money for an organization than does the profit that results from the sale of the product itself. Consumer Reports concluded that 80% of these warranties go unused! As noted on 20/20, here are six very good reasons to just say NO to Shimadzu's protection plan:

1) the odds are that the product will simply not break,

2) if the product does break, the repair costs will probably be less than the original cost of the extended warranty,

3) why buy the extended warranty when the instrument may already be covered by a new product warranty of 1 to 2 years,

4) some sales reps will say anything (eg. exaggerate claims) to play on your fears or emotions,

5) extended warranties can be full of weasel words; words that allow a company (like Shimadzu) to wiggle out of a covered repair, and

6) it might be time to replace the instrument versus having it repaired.

n.b. One of our contributors tells us that a Shimadzu service manager attempted to charge a customer for a needed instrument repair even though the customer's instrument was still covered under the original factory warranty. How's that for piece of mind? Take home lesson: if your instrument requires service work, find your original paperwork because you may need it if it involves the visit of Shimadzu to your lab!

n.b. If your Shimadzu instrument does need repair, be wary of the strong sales pitch you'll receive from the Shimadzu service rep who will try to unload an extended warranty that serves one purpose.... to pad Shimadzu's pockets!

n.b. If a replacement instrument is in order, buy a non-Shimadzu product this time. You'll be far better off in the long run.... you can thank us later!

n.b. If you have a Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Protection Plan that has gone unused, call Shimadzu and ask for a partial (50%) refund or some free consummables.

n.b. If Shimadzu products are so good, ask the sales rep why you need two additional years of Shimadzu's low cost service protection.... get your tape recorder ready for this load of SHIT-MADZU!

Build Better Chemistry.... Don't Buy Shimadzu!

For more information about Shimadzu, call 1-800-DISAPPOINTMENT

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