Hewlett Packard Whips
Shimadzu Butt
....but you probably knew this already after reading Phortech's
1997/98 HPLC report!
We received notice of the following message which was posted on a Baltimore area
internet bulletin board on 1 April 1999:
Why is Mr. Mayor [Mayor Kurt Schmoke] in such an uproar after the "You're Dying in
Baltimore" message from HP appeared in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and The New
York Times? I mean DUH! People in this City [Baltimore] ARE dying (we have the 4th worst
homicide rate in the nation).
Why shouldn't we take note when some large conglomerate like Hewlett Packard (HP) notes
the obvious. You don't need a PhD in the obvious to know that we have a huge murder
problem in Baltimore. And the current leadership.... well it will be a pleasure to see HIM
leave in December '99.
I only note what HP says because they are a direct business competitor of ours (at
Shimadzu Scientific). They whip our butts most of the time in the analytical
instrumentation world but they have hit the nail on the head directly about this one!
LIVE and LEARN (that's what I always say!)
Anyway, thanks for listening!"
Terry Adams
BTW: I spent $312,000 on my home last August '98
BTW2: Want to see what I think of my workplace [at Shimadzu], check out: http://www.angelfire.com/md/alerts
(Mr. Adams included a lot of personal contact information which can be found at
www.deja.com/usenet. Do a "Power Search" for "HP Whips Shimadzu Butt"
and click on "complete archive.")
n.b. It would appear that Adams and company have been tuning
into the Baltimore City WOES homepage at: http://www.bigfoot.com/~baltimore-sux
n.b. Remember, at Shimadzu.... they don't lead, they follow! What cutting-edge innovations
is Shimadzu known for?
n.b. HP should be revelling following Mr. Adams admission (on behalf of Shimadzu) that
they are getting their asses kicked from one end of this Earth to the other! Will your
next analytical instrument acquisition be from a cutting-edge
leader or a flaccid follower?
n.b. Shimadzu et. al. proclaims that a disgruntled employee is responsible for the
internet attacks articulating the other "dark" side of Shimadzu. Good news....
they're right for a change! The disgruntled employee's name is Terry L. Adams and you can
peruse a recalcitrant interoffice memorandum which Mr. Adams prepared
and forwarded to senior management at Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (USA). The
incriminating evidence is right there in Shimadzu's own backyard, yet they are looking
afar.... go FIGURE!
There's more of what you don't want in every
Shimadzu HPLC & GC!
For more information about Shimadzu, call 1-800-LIARS
This page was last 12/31/00
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