Who needs a psychic anyway? Ask Biblical Answers for Today, the Truth is Free :O)

The Free Gift...

Hey there, how are you? Blessed I am sure! Can we talk for a minute? If you were to die today do you know where you would spend eternity? Do you care? Someone asked me that question and I looked at them like 'wha'... the h--l? and they looked at me and said 'exactly'. Well that turned into a lifechanging conversation and now I am asking you! Do you know where you are going to spend eternity? Your response.... come on Y or N. Then I say, well would you like to know? and you say, how long is this gonna take....LOL!! Well I promise less than 10 minutes. Sound o.k.? great!

Testimonies of prayer needs being met

Did you know that religion is manmade? "Man trying to reach out to God with rituals and traditions". Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship. God reaching out to man.

God gave us a wonderful right called "choice".

No other living creature or plant has this right.

We can choose to do the things we know are right; or the things we know to be wrong!

However, did you know that we automatically do what is wrong from birth because we haven't a choice? "Wherefore as by one man, sin entered into the world(ADAM) and death by sin, and so death passed unto all men(mankind) for that ALL have sinned". Romans 5:12 King James Bible. We sin because we don't have a choice from birth! The definition of sin is to 'miss the mark' or 'be separated from God'. Because of ADAM, our original Father, sin passes from generation to generation through his bloodline. Sin does NOT mean drugs, porn, sex, anger, jealousy, etc. Those things are the result of sin.

God loves us just the way we are right now. He loves You right now. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world (Us, right now as we are with our habits and hangups) that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish(eternal death-hell), but have eternal life(heaven)". God loves us where we are, not after we "straighen up". He loves us so much that He gave us the choice to have eternal life in heaven or eternal death in hell.

He had Jesus die in our place carrying our load of sin on his shoulders. His back was beaten to carry every disease and sickness known to man in our place. Good News! We don't have to be sick anymore! 'He was bruised for our iniquities'(lustful desires--money, sex, power, etc). Good News, we don't have to be in bondage! "The chastiesment of our peace was upon him", he even took our anxieties, stresses, doubts, fears, anything that destroys our peace on himself. Good News we can have peace with God!

Why? Because of love. He created us, He is our Father. Every good Father loves his children, even when they aren't perfect. That Father will continue to love, protect, support his child for life. Regardless of that child's behavior or acknowledgement.
If we would only Believe in Jesus "whosoever believeth in Him", we have an opportunity to escape eternal death-hell and walk in divine health, wealth, and prosperity now!

How do we receive this free gift of salvation? By taking hold of it, accepting it, receiving it and believing it is ours. The definition of salvation is perservation, healing, soundness, safety and deliverance.
"But what says it, the word is near you, the word of faith, which we preach; that if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart, man believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation". Rom 10:8,9,10,
This is good news, we don't have to 'clean up' ourselves. We only have to believe and accept the free gift of salvation. We do have a choice!

How? I am glad you asked :O) Acts 4:10-12 says "Be it known unto you all and all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him does this man stand here before you whole. (Nothing missing, nothing broken). This is the stone(foundation) set at nought by you builders, which has become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other (Buddha, Mohammed, your church, Allah, etc); for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved".

What is the gift? The gift is choice to receive salvation, heaven, eternal life or to receive hell, damnation, eternal death. Therefore we can be saved by Jesus sacrifice and 'born again' spiritually with God as our Father instead of Adam. "For by grace(God's ability alone) are you saved through faith(believing without seeing) and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God not of works(our working for it), lest any man should boast" or take the credit. Ephesians 2:8,9.

Why we have the right to receive the Gift? John 1:12 says "But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name".

Would You like to receive the Free gift of salvation? Lets Pray.... Dear Father God, I thank you for loving me so much. I believe that Jesus is your son. I believe that he died on that cross carrying my sins for me. I believe they put him in a grave and he went to hell for me paying the penalty of sin, death. God raised Him from the dead after 3 days and Jesus is alive now! I ask Jesus to come into my heart, into my life and save me now. I receive your free gift, I believe I am saved, I am born again spiritually and will live forever in heaven with you. Thank you Father God in Jesus name, amen.

Praise God! Please write to me with any questions and I will pray with and for you. "God, our Father says 'ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened".

I suggest you pray, simply ask God for a bible teaching church to attend and watch the peace, love, joy, prosperity, begin to increase in your life! Yes there still will be trouble in your life, but now you don't have to go through it alone! You have help, a relationship with a heavenly Father that knows everything and is waiting to help you without condemning you. He loves us soo much. Won't you talk to him today?

I would like to pray for you now... Dear Father I thank you for this awesome opportunity to pray for my dear friend ___________(your name). I ask that you bless ________ with the "Joy of the Lord, which is thier strength", "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding(even in the midst of trial). Divine health for you said 'you sent your word and it healed our dis-ease". For _______'s__ prosperity, for you said "let the weak say, I am strong and let the poor say, I am rich! and "that you wish above all things that we prosper and be in health, even as our soul(mind, will, emotions) prosper". Most importantly Father I pray that you show _________your love, regardless of their actions and in spite of our actions, never leaving or forsaking _________. I thank you God for your promises in your word, the bible. In Jesus name, amen.

Write me or call and leave a msg, I hope we can chat sometime soon. Former sinner saved by God's grace..We care, lets chat...
Have your BEST day! peace....

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Thought for the day --
For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whosoever believed in Him
should not perish but have everylasting life--- John 3:16

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God Bless you and have a Peace Full Day.
