The following table outlines all of the event handlers in NetScape version 3.0

Event Applies to Occurs when Event handler
abort images User aborts the loading of an image (for example by clicking a link or clicking the Stop button) onAbort
blur windows, frames, and all form elements User removes input focus from window, frame, or form element onBlur
click buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes, submit buttons, reset buttons, links User clicks form element or link onClick
change text fields, textareas, select lists User changes value of element onChange
error images, windows The loading of a document or image causes an error onError
focus windows, frames, and all form elements User gives input focus to window, frame, or form element onFocus
load document body User loads the page in the Navigator onLoad
mouseout areas, links User moves mouse pointer out of an area (client-side image map) or link onMouseout
mouseover links User moves mouse pointer over a link onMouse- Over
reset forms User resets a form (clicks a Reset button) onReset
select text fields, textareas User selects form element's input field onSelect
submit submit button User submits a form onSubmit
unload document body User exits the page onUnload

Check your Status Bar:

Rush this order

There could have been a statement of onUnload="alert('Please come back soon')", however, the advertisment from the web host does not co-exist with this command, therefore, this command is removed.