How to mark partitions Non-Active

This procedure will make all partitions on physical drive 0 (e.g.: the IDE Primary Master drive) as Non-Active using DOS's DEBUG.EXE.

I recommend that you use a DOS or Windows 95 Boot disk that has the minimum files on it:
The BOOT files of course.

Here is the step by step method to follow:

Run DEBUG.EXE and at the debug prompts type in the commands and press ENTER.

(what you see)
Note: The first part of the code displaced may be different (1A4C)but the information after the colon should be the same(0100).

(what you type)

- A100
1A4C:0100 MOV AX,0201
1A4C:0103 MOV BX,0200
1A4C:0106 MOV CX,0001
1A4C:0109 MOV DX,0080
1A4C:010C INT 13
1A4C:010E MOV BYTE PTR [03BE],00
1A4C:0113 MOV BYTE PTR [03CE],00
1A4C:0118 MOV BYTE PTR [03DE],00
1A4C:011D MOV BYTE PTR [03EE],00
1A4C:0122 MOV AX,0301
1A4C:0125 MOV BX,0200
1A4C:0128 MOV CX,0001
1A4C:012B MOV DX,0080
1A4C:012E INT 13
1A4C:0130 INT 3
1A4C:0131 [Press Enter]
- G
AX=0000 BX=0200 CX=0000 DX=0080 SP=FFEE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000
DS=1A30 ES=1A30 SS=1A30 CS=1A30 IP=0131 NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC
1A4C:0130 CCFF INT 3

Run FDISK and there will be no Active partitions defined.

To automate the process of running the above DEBUG script I have created a diskette that will run the above script. Feel free to download the file download.gif (1416 bytes)N0-ACT.ZIP. Just be sure to read the README.TXT for instruction of how to setup it up and use it.

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