If you wish to obtain a copy of Oracle 8i Personal Editon, either from the Oracle Web Site, or, on CD, then please bear in mind the following:
There is one version for Windows 98.
There is no version for Windows Millenium (So, upgrade, or, go back to Windows 98).
There is one version that can be installed on: Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows XP.
For all of the versions listed above, the username is: scott and the password is: tiger - there is no host string required.
Inside the university, your username is the username that you log onto the campus-wide university network with. If this does not begin with a letter, then there should be an initial, 's', (or, at least one letter), in front of it. The host string for the Business School Oracle Server is: bsoracle.bournemouth.ac.uk - if you are using the DEC Oracle Server, then the host string is: dec
If you have a, "Pentium 4", processor and your copy of Personal Oracle does not work, then visiting the Intel Web Site and performing a search on, "Oracle", suggests a solution. Basically, the problem is with the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). The suggested solution is to:
It may also be a good idea to visit theWindows Update Web Site to ensure that your PC has all the latest patches and drivers for your Operating System, etc.
If you have Personal Oracle 9.x, then you need to ensure you create a database when installing the software and make a note of the username and password. Again, no host string is required.