As with any family. we have strict guidelines that our kindred is required to adhere to. These where created for the protection of our kindred and anyone who enters are hall. They are divided into 3 sections, Clan Etiquette, Event Etiquette, and Community Etiquette. People who are found in violation of these bylaws will be punishable according to the bylaw they break and the severity of the crime. If a person is a repeat offender of certain bylaws, they will be brought before the clan Tribunal to state there case and why they shouldnt be exiled by the trbiunal. If they are found guilty, they will be removed, if the tribunal gives them a secound chance then they are put in a suspended state within the clan. When suspended, any more rule breaking of kingdom or clan bylaws will result in removal from the clan.
The tribunal comprises of a Council Member of the Clan, the Primogin, and a elected Justice Offical. People who are called before the tribnual will be givin a 2 weeks notice. During this time they are placed in the state of suspension. If the person can not attend they will be required to send a statement in there defense to the Justice offical assigned to this case. it will be reviewed by the tribunal and a dicision made based on the statement and the crimes. Failure to attend or submit a statement with the time givin will result in automatic exhile. all dicision of the tribunal are final. If you are exhiled, you will not be allowed back into this clan for 6 months, after the 6 months are up you can reapply, you will be givin a new quest of deveotion to the clan and will be required to write up a formal clan apology which will be sent to the primogin. this will be posted on the Clan board. any further breaking of the above rules will result in the immedate the permanet exiling from the clan.
As our family grows, and the services we can provide to our family incress, We will need new ByLaws for these services. all new ByLaws, and any changes to our current ByLaws will be hnadled by a council of members, these include the Tribunal Justice Officals, the High Council Members and the Primogin. The family can request that a High tribunal meeting takes place to discuss current bylaws and bylaws they wish to be added. While the decisions of the High Tribunal are the basis of the Clan ByLaws, we do take input from our family for they are the foundation of the clan.