1. Preparation
1.1 Description of the requirements and orders
- define the porposes of the product
- its properties
- what is the work you expecte to do
(which are the documents or resultes you have to present?)
- how much time is given to you to realise the project?
1.2 The problem analysis
- which are the problems concerning: the function, the use,the design,
the safety, the material, the production, the assembling, the transport,
the costs, the laws, the regulations, the patents, the recycling...?
1.3 Information
- What is the information you need to find the best solution?
- Investigate the products which have already been produced
- check up on professional literature.
- ask the people who might have to do with the production or commercialization of the product
- do some experiments
- and of course genius!
2. Concept stage
2.1 Preparation of a functional stage
- analyses the principal and the other functions of the product
- find some altrnative solutions for the function
2.2 Develop the form/shape concept
- take care of the geometry, the proportions, the image,...
2.3 Design concept
- make sketches, models, also for some alternative versions
- choose one of them
3. Developing stage
- fix the details of the function, surface,...
- make some renderings, package drawings and models, for the presentation of your project
4. Producing stage
- make technical drawings and a production scheme for the prototype.
- make the prototype
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